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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 土木工程 > 正文


 2021-11-09 21:40:24  

摘 要








This calculation sheet is for "Wuhan Design and Engineering College 2# teaching building design". The teaching building is a five story reinforced concrete frame structure. Due to the impact of the epidemic, this graduation project is carried out at home.

In the "architectural design part", I spent two weeks at home to complete the architectural design, make changes with the help of the teacher online, and determine the design of each room and stair by looking up the civil design specifications and fire prevention specifications, and finally determine the architectural design drawing and material layout.

In the "structural design part", the third axis transverse frame is selected as the task of the manual calculation of this calculation sheet, the scheme is selected, and then the specific load is determined. The load includes dead load, live load, wind load, and earthquake action. The internal force of beam column plate is calculated according to the load, and then the internal force is combined to get the control internal force of each section, and finally the reinforcement calculation of each component is carried out.

In addition, I also designed the stairs in the structural scheme, which completed the internal force calculation, reinforcement calculation and construction drawing of the stairs. According to the engineering geological data and design instructions, the structure adopts the independent foundation under the column.

After the whole calculation, I have a clear idea of design structure in my head. Then I began to learn how to use PKPM to calculate the whole structure, know the general design process, and build a model to start the calculation. At last, I compare the result of PKPM calculation with that of manual calculation. Although there are some errors, the final design still meets the requirements.

Key words: Civil Engineering; reinforced concrete; frame structure; structural design

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

第2章 设计资料 2

2.1 工程名称 2

2.2 工程概况 2

2.3 建筑等级 2

2.4 设计荷载 2

2.5 抗震设防 2

2.6 地质资料 2

2.7 材料选用 2

第3章 结构选型 3

3.1 柱网布置 3

3.2 计算单元选取 3

3.3 梁、柱截面尺寸的初步估计 3

3.3.1 梁截面初选(3轴) 3

3.3.2 柱截面初选(3轴) 4

第4章 侧移刚度的计算 5

第5章 框架计算 6

5.1 竖向荷载作用下内力计算 6

5.1.1 恒荷载计算 6

5.1.2 活荷载计算 7

5.2 风荷载 18

5.2.1 风荷载作用下框架内力计算 18

5.2.2 风荷载作用下框架内力计算(D值法)及内力图绘制 18

5.2.3 框架柱的剪力分配计算 20

5.2.4 框架柱反弯点高度的计算 21

5.2.5 框架柱端的剪力、弯矩及梁端的弯矩的计算 22

5.3 水平地震荷载作用 24

5.3.1 重力荷载代表值的计算 24

5.3.2 水平地震作用力的计算(基底剪力法) 25

5.3.3 水平地震作用下框架的侧移验算 26

5.3.4 水平地震作用下框架内力计算(D值法) 26

第6章 荷载和内力组合 30

6.1 框架梁组合的剪力值 30

6.2 梁的内力组合 30

6.2.1 梁的内力组合计算 30

6.2.2 框架梁组合的剪力设计值 36

6.3 柱的内力组合表 37

6.3.1 柱的内力组合计算 37

6.3.2 柱的剪力设计值 45

第7章 框架梁、柱配筋 46

7.1 框架横梁配筋 46

7.2 框架柱配筋 51

7.2.1 正截面受弯承载力计算 51

7.2.2 斜截面受剪承载力计算 58

第8章 板的配筋 59

8.1 双向板计算 59

8.2 荷载设计值 59

8.3 内力计算 59

第9章 楼梯设计 64

9.1 设计参数 64

9.2 楼梯板计算 64

9.3 平台板计算 65

9.4 楼梯梁计算 66

第10章 基础设计 69

10.1 地基基础设计等级 69

10.2 确定基底尺寸 69

10.3 地基承载力验算 69

10.4 基础受冲切承载力验算 70

10.5 基础底板配筋计算 71

10.6 确定基底尺寸 73

10.7 地基承载力验算 73

10.8 基础受冲切承载力验算 73

10.9 基础底板配筋计算 74

结束语 77

参考文献 78

致谢 79

第1章 绪论




第2章 设计资料

2.1 工程名称


2.2 工程概况


2.3 建筑等级


2.4 设计荷载

基本风压:0.35KN/m2,采用50年一遇的风压值 ,地面粗糙度为B类。

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