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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 土木工程 > 正文


 2021-11-06 20:33:03  

摘 要








This structural design calculation book is my written result for the 2016 graduate design of Dongxing City 3 # Residential Building Design for the Civil Engineering Major of Wuhan University of Technology. The residential building designed this time is a 7-story reinforced concrete frame structure. The design process is professionally divided into architectural design and structural design. Structural design is the key part of this time.

In the "Architectural Design Part", it is mainly based on the basic requirements of architectural drawing, basic regulations and requirements of civil building design, building area calculation regulations, building barrier-free design, civil building energy-saving design, multi-storey civil building fire protection design, professional construction drawing The review content of the design document requires the design of the building structure as a reference.

In the "Structural Design Section", first select the transverse frame of the ⑨ axis as the manual calculation task of this calculation book, and then determine the specific loads received, including constant load, live load, left and right wind load, seismic action, and use The bending moment secondary distribution method is used to calculate the internal force of vertical dead load, the layered method is used to calculate the internal force of live load, the D value method is used to calculate the internal force of wind load, and the bottom shear method is used to calculate the internal force of horizontal seismic load.

In addition, the stair design in the structural scheme was also carried out, in which the internal force calculation, reinforcement calculation and construction drawing of members such as slab plates, platform plates, ladder beams and platform beams were completed. According to engineering geological data and economics, the structure uses an independent foundation under the column.

     In the first 30 days of the structural design process, first use the building structure design software PKPM to calculate the entire structure, and then use the drawing software explorer TSSD to draw the structural design drawings according to the calculation results, and then in the following month Choose a representative frame for hand calculation. This not only masters the basic application of PKPM and TSSD software, but also can make a good summary of the knowledge learned in the four years of university.

Key Word: civil engineering; graduation design; reinforced concrete frame structure; architectural design; structural design


摘 要 1

Abstract 2

绪 论 1

第1章 设计资料 2

1.1 工程名称 2

1.2 工程概况 2

1.3 建筑等级 2

1.4 设计荷载 2

1.5 抗震设防 2

1.7 地质资料 3

1.8 材料选用 3

第2章 结构选型 4

2.1 柱网布置 4

2.2 框架结构承重方案的选择 4

2.3 计算单元选取 4

2.4 梁、柱截面尺寸的初步估计 7

2.4.1 梁截面初选(⑨轴) 7

2.4.2 柱截面初选(⑩轴) 8

第3章 侧移刚度的计算 10

3.1 梁线刚度ib的计算(I=2I0) 10

3.2 柱线刚度ic的计算(I=I0) 10

3.3 相对线刚度计算 10

第4章 恒荷载作用下内力计算 12

4.1 恒荷载标准值计算 12

4.2 恒载作用下框架的所受荷载 13

4.2.1框架梁的恒载 14

4.2.2柱纵向集中恒荷载计算 18

4.3 恒载作用下框架的内力计算 21

第5章 活荷载标准值计算 29

5.1活荷载标准值 29

5.2活载作用下框架所受荷载 29

5.2.1屋面与楼面活载 30

5.2.2柱的集中力 33

5.3 活载作用下框架的内力计算 35

第6章 风荷载作用 42

6.1 风荷载标准值 42

6.2 侧移刚度D 44

6.3 风荷载作用下框架侧移计算 44

6.4 框架柱的剪力分配计算 46

6.5 框架柱反弯点高度的计算 47

6.6 框架柱端的剪力、弯矩及梁端的弯矩的计算 48

第7章 水平地震荷载作用 53

7.1 重力荷载代表值的计算 53

7.1.1顶层重力荷载代表值 53

7.1.2一~六层重力荷载代表值 53

7.2 水平地震作用力的计算(基底剪力法) 53

7.3 水平地震作用下框架的侧移验算 55

7.4 水平地震作用下框架内力计算(D值法) 56

第8章 荷载和内力组合 62

8.1 梁的内力组合 63

8.1.1梁的内力组合计算 63

8.1.2框架梁组合的剪力设计值 72

8.2 柱的内力组合表 72

8.2.1 柱的内力组合计算 72

8.2.2 柱的剪力设计值 80

第9章 框架梁、柱配筋 82

9.1 框架横梁配筋 82

9.2 框架柱配筋 86

第10章 板的配筋 92

10.1 双向板计算 92

10.1.1 荷载设计值 92

10.1.2 内力计算 93

第11章 楼梯设计 104

11.1 设计参数 104

11.2 楼梯板计算 104

11.3 平台板计算 106

11.4 楼梯梁计算 108

第12章 基础设计 112

12.1 地基基础设计等级 112

12.2 确定基底尺寸 112

12.3 地基承载力验算 112

12.4 基础受冲切承载力验算 113

12.5 基础底板配筋计算 114

12.7 地基承载力验算 116

12.8 基础受冲切承载力验算 117

12.9 基础底板配筋计算 118

结束语 120

参考文献 121

致谢 122

绪 论



第1章 设计资料

1.1 工程名称


1.2 工程概况

1.3 建筑等级

1.4 设计荷载

1.5 抗震设防

1.6 气象资料


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