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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 土木工程 > 正文


 2021-04-19 00:58:03  

摘 要







This graduation project's theme is "JingZhou phoenix city steel structure commercial building". This steel structure commercial building has a total height of 18M on the fifth floor, 46M long and 14M wide.

First on building design, from the early multiple screening, and in the selected the most appropriate solution, and this solution as the final design scheme, then need to check specification and data determine the practice of the whole building, required in the process of the construction and materials, and so on.

After the completion of architectural design, I began to carry out structural design according to the obtained structural diagram. Here, I chose the 10th axis horizontal frame of the whole frame as the content of manual calculation. After the calculation scheme is determined, various loads of the truss frame are calculated, which are: live load, constant load, horizontal wind load and seismic load. After the load calculation is completed, the internal force combination table is made through Excel, from which the most unfavorable combination is selected and the cross-section of beam and column is verified. After that, the connection nodes of beam and column, column connection nodes, column legs, main and secondary beam connection nodes, and roof panel shall be checked. Hand is finished, using PKPM software to carry on the computer, and compare the results of the computer and hand after determining the generally low, use was CAD to design of the flat facade decorate, and draw the node and all sorts of detail and so on.

Through the graduation design, I have taught in the university four years have a complete review and new understanding, in the future, for steel structure design of this piece of knowledge, I will have more harvest.

Key words: commercial buildings, steel frame structure, hot-rolled h-section steel, connection design, seismic design


绪论 1

1工程概况 2

2结构选型 2

3结构布置 3

3.1框架计算简图 3

4荷载计算 4

4.1荷载计算 4

5梁柱初选 6

5.1屋面梁的初级选型 6

5.2柱子的初级选型 6

5.3组合楼盖的初选 7

5.4确定计算简图 8

5.5各单元线刚度 8

5.6各节点弯矩分配系数 11

6.风荷载计算 13

6.1风荷载标准值计算 13

6.2风荷载侧移计算 15

6.3风荷载作用下框架内力计算 16

7荷载作用下框架的内力(荷载取为标准值) 24

7.1一榀框架 24

7.2恒荷载作用下框架的受力简图 31

7.3恒荷载作用下框架的内力计算 32

7.4活荷载作用下框架的受力简图 41

7.5活荷载作用下框架的内力计算 42

8.地震荷载计算 51

8.1重力荷载代表值 51

8.2框架的抗震等级 52

8.3场地和特征周期 52

8.4框架地震周期 52

8.5地震荷载作用下框架内力计算 55

9内力组合 61

10截面验算 68

10.1柱截面验算 68

10.2梁截面验算 71

11节点设计 73

11.1梁柱连接设计 73

11.2主次梁的连接设计 77

11.3钢柱的拼接 79

11.4柱脚设计 82

12板筋的计算 85

12.1屋面板筋的计算 85

12.2楼面板筋的计算 95

13楼梯设计 96

13.1踏步板计算 96

13.2斜梁计算 97

13.3平台梁计算 99

13.4挠度验算 100

14基础设计 101

14.1场地资料 101

14.2柱独立基础设计 101

二 PKPM计算 105

1.建立平面模型 105

1.1三维模型 105

1.2结构楼面布置信息 106

1.3楼面荷载传导与计算 107

2.SATWE计算及分析 107

2.1生成SATWE数据 107

2.2结构内力计算 110

2.3分析结构图形与文本显示 110

2.4SATWE计算分析 110

3.PK计算及分析 113

3.1形成PK文件 113

3.2 PK交互计算 113

3.3PKPM计算结果与手算比较 117

4.全楼节点设计 118

4.1参数设计 118

4.2全楼节点设计 122

5.绘制施工图 123

5.1绘制框架图 123

5.2绘制节点详图 124

结束语 127

参考文献 128





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