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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 土木工程 > 正文


 2021-04-08 21:51:24  

摘 要






关键词:钢筋混凝土框架;建筑设计;结构设计 ;独立基础。


This statement is in Wuhan University of Technology Institute of civil engineering and architecture, civil engineering professional 2015 class graduation design written works.The design of the graduation-product content to have reinforced concrete frame building, The construct area is about 2000 ㎡.The building drawing up to set up is total5 floors high .Construction and structure is divided into two parts.

In the "architectural design", according to the design task, considering the functional use, construction, materials, construction equipment, architectural art and economy,addressing the layout and architectural details of various structures,I will design several construction schemes respectively, from all aspects to compare them, and then determine the final solution, and then determine the concrete building structure, method and materials.

In the "structural design", first select the transverse frame of the axis as the calculations of hand calculation task, and the final option, then determine the specific by load.Load, including dead load, live load, about wind load, about earthquake, according to the load calculation of internal force of plate beam column, and then mix get control of the cross section of the internal forces. Finally, each component of the reinforcement calculation.

In addition, the design of the stairs is also carried out, which completes the internal force calculation, the reinforcement calculation and the drawing of the construction drawing of the ladder section board, the platform plate, the platform beam and so on.According to the engineering geological data, the structure adopts the independent foundation under the column.

Part of the design basis, according to the geological data, the basis for the use of the independent foundation under the column.

Key Word: Reinforced concrete frame;Architectural design;Structure design ;Independent foundation


第一章绪论 4

第二章工程概况 5

2.1基本信息 5

2.2地区地震信息 5

2.2.1、抗震等级 5

2.2.2、地震影响系数 5

2.3参考资料 6

第三章框架结构主要构件尺寸初步估算 7

3.1梁、柱截面尺寸的初步确定 7

3.1.1梁的截面尺寸初估 7

3.1.2框架柱截面尺寸初估 8

第四章荷载统计 9

4.1恒荷载计算 9

4.1.1屋面、楼面恒荷载计算 9

4.1.2梁自重 10

4.1.3柱自重 11

4.1.4墙自重 11

4.2恒活荷载标准值计算 12

4.2.1均布活荷载计算 12

4.2.2均布恒荷载计算 12

4.2.3荷载分层汇总 13

第五章水平地震力作用下框架的侧移验算 14

5.1横梁线刚度及柱线刚度计算 14

5.1.1横梁线刚度 14

5.1.2柱线刚度 14

5.2横向框架自振周期 15

5.3横向地震作用计算 16

5.4横向框架抗震变形验算 18

第六章竖向荷载作用下的内力分析 20

6.1恒活荷载作用下各层框架梁板柱上的荷载计算 20

6.1.1板传荷载等效计算: 20

6.1.2柱的集中荷载计算: 21

6.1.3梁的均布荷载计算: 22

6.1.4恒、活荷载计算简图 22

6.2竖向荷载作用下的弯矩计算 24

6.2.1梁的固端弯矩 24

6.2.2梁、柱线刚度的调整 24

6.2.3节点分配系数 25

6.2.4弯矩二次分配 25

6.2.5梁端弯矩、柱端弯矩汇总 28

6.3弯矩调幅及梁柱控制截面内力计算 29

6.3.1梁端剪力计算 29

6.3.2跨中弯矩计算 30

6.3.3梁内力调整 34

6.3.4柱剪力计算 35

6.3.5柱轴力计算 36

6.3.6柱内力调整 37

6.4竖向荷载作用下的弯矩图、剪力图、轴力图 39

第七章水平地震作用下横向框架的内力分析 45

7.1水平地震作用下横向框架内力分析 45

7.2水平地震作用下弯矩图、剪力图、轴力图 48

第八章风荷载作用下横向框架的内力分析 52

8.1风荷载标准值计算 52

8.2风荷载作用下的水平位移验算 52

8.3风荷载作用下框架结构内力计算 53

8.4风荷载作用下弯矩图、剪力图、轴力图 56

第九章内力组合计算 60

第十章截面配筋设计 71

10.1承载力抗震调整系数 71

10.2框架梁截面设计 71

10.2.1框架梁正截面配筋计算 71

10.2.2框架梁的斜截面配筋计算 76

10.3框架柱截面设计 80

10.3.1轴压比验算 80

10.3.2框架柱正截面配筋计算 81

10.3.3斜截面承载能力计算 90

第十一章楼板设计 95

11.1楼板类型及设计方法的选择: 95

11.2计算 95

11.2.1弯矩计算 95

11.2.2截面设计 96

第十二章楼梯设计 97

12.1设计资料 97

12.2楼梯板计算 97

12.2.1荷载计算 97

12.2.2截面设计: 98

12.3平台板计算: 99

12.3.1荷载计算: 99

12.3.2截面设计: 99

12.4平台梁计算: 100

12.4.1荷载计算: 100

12.4.2截面设计: 100

第十三章基础设计 102

13.1地质资料 102

13.2工程概况 102

13.3边柱独立基础设计 103

13.3.1尺寸计算 103

13.3.2地基承载力验算 104

13.3.3基础冲切承载力验算 104

13.3.4基础配筋计算 106

结束语 108

参考文献 109

致谢 110

第一章 绪 论




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