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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 土木工程 > 正文


 2021-03-11 23:31:51  

摘 要

本文利用Midas gen有限元分析软件建立了6层,10层,20层隔震结构模型,并将20条脉冲型近场地震动作为输入地震动分别输入到三种隔震结构中观察地震动参数中的峰值加速度(PGA),脉冲周期()参数对结构动力响应参数中的顶层相对位移,顶层绝对加速度和最大层间位移角的影响,观察三种隔震结构在脉冲型近场地震动下的表现情况如何。结果表明,上述三种隔震结构在脉冲型近场地震动下具有较好的抗震表现;同时随着峰值加速度(PGA)的增大,三种隔震结构的顶层相对位移,顶层绝对加速度和最大层间位移角都明显增大;而随着脉冲周期()的变化,三种隔震结构的动力响应参数变化规律表现出一定的差异:其中6层隔震结构在脉冲周期小于结构的第一自振周期时,参数值随脉冲周期增大而增大,大于结构第一自振周期时随脉冲周期的增大而减小,变化趋势呈抛物线趋势;而在10层和20层隔震结构中,动力响应参数值随着脉冲周期的增大而逐渐增大,并在脉冲周期数值接近结构第一自振周期以后增大趋势变缓;呈现对数增长趋势。



In this paper, six-layer, 10-storey, 20-story seismic isolation model is established by Midas gen finite element analysis software.Peak acceleration (PGA) and the pulse period () parameters in the ground motion parameters were observed in the three seismic i-solation structures, and the relative displacement of the top-level , the absolute accelerati-on of the top layer and the maximum interlayer displacement angle in the structural dyn-amic response parameters was measured by using 20 pulsed near-field earthquakes as in-put ground motions and observing how the three types of isolated structures behave unde-r the pulsed near-field ground motion. The results show that the three kinds of isolated structures have good seismic performance under pulsed near-field ground motion. At the same time, with the increase of peak acceleration (PGA), the relative displacement of the top layer of the three kinds of isolated structures, the absolute acceleration of the top l-ayer and the maximum interlayer displacement angle are obviously increased. With the c-hange of the pulse period (), the dynamic response parameters of the three kinds of isolated structures show a certain difference: When the pulse period is smaller than the fir-st self-oscillation period of the structure, the parameter value increases with the pulse pe-riod, which is larger than that of the first self-oscillation period, and decreases with the increase of the pulse period Parabolic trend. In the 10-story and 20-layer isolation struct-ures, the dynamic response parameter increases with the pulse period and increases slowly after the pulse period is close to the first self-oscillation period of the structure.growth trend.

Key words:Isolated structure,Dynamic response,Pulse cycle,Peak acceleration


第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2国内外研究背景 2

1.3研究目的及意义 3

第二章 隔震结构模型及采用的地震动记录 4

2.1隔震结构设计流程 4

2.2结构模型 4

2.3近场脉冲地震波 5

2.4脉冲型近场地震动反应谱 11

第三章 隔震结构地震响应分析 13

3.1脉冲型近场地震动对隔震结构各层动力响应的影响 13

3.2峰值加速度的影响 19

3.3脉冲周期的影响 23

第四章 总结与展望 31

4.1总结 31

4.2展望 32

4.2.1进一步完善抗震规范 32

4.2.2P -Δ效应 32

4.2.3近场竖向地震动 32

第五章 致谢 34

参考文献 36

第一章 绪论




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