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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 给水排水工程 > 正文


 2022-04-18 22:17:58  


摘 要






The design of the ground floor to three for the direct supply of municipal pipe network, four to ten layers of frequency conversion feedwater pump water way. A DN100 pipe connection basement living pond for four to ten layers of water. Drainage using domestic sewage, wastewater Combined. Part of office using the ventilation vent riser, extending the use of the remaining top ventilation cap. Basement sewage submersible sewage pump by lifting the manholes and then by septic tanks into the drainage municipal pipe network, the underlying single-row manner drainage. Roof drainage using gravity drainage systems, rain water bucket after roof rainwater collection pipe to discharge from the manholes.

The building belongs to the hazard class II. Water gun having a diameter of 65mm, a length of 25m linen rubber lined hose, fire hydrant selection SN65 type gun to QZ19, with rubber hose DN65 length of 25m. Gun minimum flow 5L / s. Roof setting fire water tank, fire water tank should be stored indoors total of 10min fire water, used for fighting the initial fire. Set up a top-level test fire hydrant.

The building wet automatic sprinkler system, alarm valve located in the basement, the layers are set flow indicator, end water apparatus and a signal valve. Rooftop water tanks for the fire water tank of 18m3. Sprinkler system and fire hydrant system of initial fire extinguishing water from the tank, by the latter part of the basement fire pumps and pump water from the spray.

Key words: water supply system, drainage system, fire hydrant system, automatic sprinkler systems and rain water system

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 设计说明书 1

1、给水系统 1

1.1方案比选 1

1.1.1室内给水系统的组成 2

1.1.2给水管道的布置与敷设 2

1.2、消防系统 3

1.2.1消火栓系统 3

1.2.2自动喷水灭火系统 4

1.3、排水系统 5

1.3.1排水方案的选择 5

1.3.2排水管道的安装 6

1.4雨水系统 6

1.4.1雨水排水系统的选择 6

1.4.2雨水排水系统的组成 6

1.4.3雨水管道的敷设与布置 6

第二章 设计计算书 7

2.1给水系统计算 7

2.1.1用水量计算 7

2.1.2给水管网水力计算 8

2.2消火栓系统计算 14

2.2.1消防水池 14

2.2.2屋顶消防水箱 15

2.2.3消火栓保护半径 15

2.2.4消火栓布置间距 16

2.2.5消火栓的确定 16

2.2.6消火栓的水力计算 17

2.2.7水泵接合器选定 20

采用SQS150-A型地上式水泵接合器,工作压力1.6MPa,直径150mm,水带接口型号:KW65。 20

2.2.8消火栓减压计算 20

当消火栓栓口处的压力超过0.50Mpa时,应在消火栓前设调压孔板,以减低消火栓处的压力,保证各层消火栓的正常使用。计算各层消火栓的剩余压力,消火栓的剩余压力即为动水压力减去保证消火栓流量为5.16L/s时栓口的动水压0.20MPa, 20

2.3自喷系统计算 20

2.3.1喷淋布置 20

2.3.2喷淋管线布置 21

2.3.3自喷计算 22

2.4排水系统计算 26

2.4.1确定排水体制 26

2.4.2排水水力计算 26

2.5雨水量计算 35

2.5.1雨水斗选用 36

2.5.2连接管计算 36

2.5.3悬吊管计算 36

参考文献 38

谢 辞 39

第一章 设计说明书






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