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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 给水排水工程 > 正文


 2022-04-17 22:17:14  


摘 要





根据《建筑设计防火规范》GB 50016-2014的规定,本建筑为一类高层住宅建筑,室内消火栓用水量为20L/s;自喷危险等级为中危一级,用水量为21L/s。屋顶消防水箱为10min的消火栓及自喷用水量,水箱容积为25m³。消防水池贮存2h的消火栓用水量及1h的自喷用水量,设计容积为220m³。消火栓采用SN65型室内单栓消火栓, QZ19型直流水枪,DN65长25 m的衬胶水带。自喷系统采用湿式系统,喷头动作温度为68℃。

关键词:住宅 建筑消防 生活给水系统 自动喷水灭火系统

Qian Long Chen 18th building Water supply and drainage engineering design

Abstract:The main content of this design is a resource county by royal garden near the building water supply and drainage engineering design, design content including architectural water supply system, drainage system, rain water system, building fire system four parts, require the final main achievements are drawing list, design and construction of the total, the plane construction drawing, toilet details, pump room details, system and the principle diagram, legend table, equipment, materials, design calculation, etc.Due to the particularity of high-rise buildings, such as the layer number of many large, highly, wide functions, complicated structure, and the restriction of the various external conditions, forcing people to seek the most economical optimization design, including the choice of the reasonable way of water supply, the optimal partition, the vertical pipe network optimization design, selection of reasonable water pump to save investment, such as saving the resources.

Water from urban pipeline network of water supply, the introduction of tube is introduced into the basement layer without negative pressure equipment system, from the negative pressure equipment for water pipes and water supply directly by the municipal pipe network household set riser pipe after pipe well through the layers of the user after a water meter door connecting the sanitary ware.The well water meter of water supply cold water pipe laying by the leveling layer.According to the building of the situation and the applied conditions of each system, drainage design is proposed to adopt double riser pipe drainage system.Discharge sewage, waste water confluence system.Above the kitchen and the bathroom on the second floor drain drop plate setting (toilet), by a drainage riser cross into the second floor ceiling drainage mains, the sewage, waste water discharge alone, the first floor into outdoor drainage after inspection Wells into the urban sewage pipe network.Fire and spray water supply scheme as follows: using a water pump, water tank fire hydrant water supply, fire water supply for the municipal tap water, after the introduction of indoor storage in underground fire pool, provided by the fire hydrant pump pressure, pump supply pressure according to the area of high pressure required to determine the most unfavorable point.According to "code for fire protection design of buildings" GB 50016-2014 the provisions of the second kind of high-rise building fire resistance rating should not be lower than the secondary, basement of high-rise building fire resistance rating should be level.Respectively according to the system design calculations, drawings and the selected main equipment.

Keywords: building water supply system design;Building drainage system design;Fire control system design.

目 录

1 引 言 1

2 设计基本情况 2

2.1 设计的目的及意义 2

2.2 设计任务 2

2.3 原始资料 2

2.4 设计依据 2

3 设计系统说明 3

3.1给水系统设计 3

3.1.1 给水系统选择及分区 3

3.1.2 给水引入管设置 3

3.2排水系统设计 3

3.3雨水系统设计 3

3.4室内消火栓给水系统设计 3

3.5 自动喷水灭火系统设计 4

3.6 建筑灭火器配置设计 4

3.7 给排水管道综合 4

3.7.1 管材选择 4

3.7.2阀门、附件及卫生洁具 5

3.7.3 管道敷设 5

3.7.4 管道坡度 6

3.7.5管道支架 6

3.7.6管道连接 7

3.7.7管道防腐和油漆 7

4 设计说明书 8

4.1给水系统设计计算 8

4.1.1 给水用水定额及时变化系数 8

4.1.2 高区、中区给水管道水力计算 9

4.1.3 低区给水管道水力计算 18

4.1.4 引入管管道水力计算 22

4.1.5无负压给水设备的选择及各分区水压校核 23

4.2排水系统设计计算 23

4.2.1排水横支管管道水力计算 23

4.2.2 排水立管管道水力计算 26

4.2.3 排水横干管水力计算 28

4.3 建筑雨水排水系统计算 29

4.3.1暴雨强度 29

4.3.2屋面雨水汇水面积 29

4.3.3屋面溢流口 31

4.4建筑消火栓给水系统计算 32

4.4.1建筑消火栓给水管道系统计算 32

4.4.2屋面消防水箱及增压稳压设备的选择 34

4.4.3消防水池 35

4.4.4消防水泵选择 36

4.5 自动喷水灭火系统计算 36

4.5.1 基本设计数据 36

4.5.3 喷淋泵的选型 40

4.5.4 增压稳压设备选择 40

4.5.5 水泵接合器 40

4.6 建筑灭火器配置 40

4.6.1 灭火器配置场所火灾种类和危险等级 40

4.6.2 灭火器类型的设置 40

4.6.3 灭火器设计计算 40


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