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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 建筑环境与能源应用工程 > 正文


 2021-03-21 21:10:52  

摘 要




关键词:全空气系统 风机盘管系统 气流组织 水力计算


The project is the design of ventilation and air conditioning Nanjing Jinling Library. The total land area of the project is 25,208 square meters, with a total construction area of 35,625 square meters, The cold index of the building is calculated as 80.The building has a basement, seven floors above the ground. Which the ground floor does not consider the design of air conditioning, only seven on the ground to design. Ground layer of 4.8m, the other six on the ground 4.2m. According to the requirements of different regions, respectively, different air conditioning system design.

Part of the construction area of the use of centralized air supply. According to the characteristics of the building, the library has a large open space for the building, and the air system is used in the open space of the first floor, the second floor, the third floor and the fourth floor, and the air fan for the other area Coil system. The fresh air is pumped out by the new air blower into the interior, and then the treated fresh air and the fan coil are processed. Most areas of the use of diffuser flat feed, for the area above the use of side of the air.

This design takes full account of the geographical environment, reasonable calculation, reasonable design, taking into account the energy-saving aspects. As far as possible to meet the technical and economic requirements. But also there are some shortcomings.

Key words: all air system fan coil system airflow organization hydraulic calculation DOI:


摘要 2

第一章绪论 1

第二章原始资料 2

2.1设计题目 2

2.2气象参数 2

2.3室内设计参数 2

第三章负荷计算 4

3.1冷负荷计算 4

3.1.1空调区冷负荷的构成 4

3.1.2空调区冷负荷的计算公式 4

3.1.3各个环节的计算冷负荷 7

3.2湿负荷计算 7

3.3新风负荷计算 8

3.4负荷计算举例 8

第四章 空调方案的选择 12

4.1空调系统的分类 12

4.2空调系统的比较 13

4.3空调系统的选择 14

4.4空调水系统 14

4.5送风状态点和送风量的确定 15

第五章 设备的选择 18

5.1全空气系统机组的选择 18

5.2风机盘管系统机组的选择 18

第六章 冷热源的选择 21

第七章 气流组织确定及计算 22

7.1气流组织的基本要求及分类 22

7.2 送风方式的选取 22

7.3气流组织的计算 23

7.4计算举例 23

第八章 风管水管的布置以及水力计算 26

8.1风管的布置 26

8.2风管的水力计算 26

8.3水管的水力计算 28

第九章 其他设备的选择 30

9.1冷冻水系统的设计 30

9.2冷却塔的选择 30

9.3水泵的设计 30

9.4膨胀水箱的设计 31

9.5冷凝水管的设计 31

第十章 消声隔振以及保温防火防排烟设计 32

10.1消声与隔振设计 32

10.2保温设计 32

十一章 结论 34

参考文献 35

致谢 36

第一章 绪论



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