2021-03-21 21:10:46
摘 要
This paper makes an equivalent model for GIS by calculating the electromagnetic transient model. Time to join in grounding device, at the same time, the distributed parameter effect of grounding device is analyzed, and the simulation of the isolating switch, breaker operation of GIS enclosure circulation, isolating switch, breaker etc. Switch is carried out when the equipment operation is easy to generate oscillation frequency up to dozens or even hundreds of megabytes of very fast transient over-voltage, and through the study found that the generation of VFTO, often can cause the GIS enclosure circulation and transient ground potential rise phenomenon, caused heavy losses.
This paper studies the basic circuit of GIS, analyzes the influence factors of VFTO in the circuit, and puts forward some VFTO prevention and solutions. In this paper, the VFTO voltage wave is introduced into the model to analyze the GIS circulation, and the circulation waveform is obtained. Operating platform for different voltage grade of GIS shell circulation size analysis, the results were for the size of the circulation in gas insulated substation shell, reducing the damage it has important guiding significance.
The paper mainly studies the structural characteristics of the GIS shell, then the equivalent circuit model is obtained, and the simulation results are obtained by the reasonable building of the model in ATP. The results show that the higher the voltage level, the more and more the circulation of the GIS housing, the damage to the insulation of the equipment will be deepened.
Key words: VFTO; GIS; GIS shell circulation; ATP;The grounding impedance
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景和意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状及存在的问题 3
1.2.1对GIS中VFTO 的研究 3
1.2.2对GIS外壳环流的研究 4
1.3 GIS智能变电站的工作原理 4
1.4 GIS外壳环流的起因 5
1.5 GIS外壳环流的危害 6
1.5.1 VFTO的危害 6
1.5.2 GIS壳体环流的危害 7
1.6开关操作电磁暂态产生机理及其危害 8
1.7本文的主要研究内容 9
第二章 GIS基本电路的研究 11
2.1 VFTO产生的原因 11
2.2 GIS中的其他部件模型 11
2.3 GIS中的主要部件等效模型 11
2.4接地装置模型 13
2.4.1 分布参数效应 13
2.4.2 GIS的安全接地 15
2.4.3 GIS的基础接地 16
2.3 VFTO的抑制措施 16
2.4 本章小结 17
第三章 GIS外壳环流的计算 18
3.1 GIS壳体环流产生的机理 18
3.2 ATP软件的介绍 19
3.2 建立GIS外壳环流计算模型 19
3.2.1推导GIS外壳等值电 19
3.2.2 ATP模型搭建 20
3.3 GIS外壳环流大小的计算 21
3.4 影响GIS壳体环流大小的主要因素 24
3.5 GIS外壳环流的抑制措施 25
3.6本章小结 25
4.1 全文总结 26
4.2 研究展望 27
参考文献 28
致谢 30
第一章 绪论
1.1 研究背景和意义
近年来,我国的工业发展十分迅速,加上我国又是一个人口大国,所以我国的能源需求是越来越大了,环境约束与系统的可靠性要求是气体绝缘变电站(GIS)产生的主要原因。GIS是充满了SF6气体的可以用来绝缘灭弧的装置,由于它的结构属于聚拢型,占用土地面积少,对GIS的安装还有后期保护都比较简单,可以防止污染,可以减少维护并且可靠性高,如图1.1所示,最近几十年已经被广泛运用于电力系统。虽然有这些优点,但也正是因其结构紧凑的原因,一旦隔离开关、断路器等开关设备进行动作时,很容易就产生振荡频率,这些频率可以达到几十甚至上百兆的特快速暂态过电压(Vary Fast Trantsent Overvoltage,VFTO)[1][2],SF6气体绝缘金属封闭组合电器,国际上称为“气体绝缘开关设备(Gas Insulated Switch gear,简称GIS),自身具有很多优点,比如土地占用率低,检修方便等,因此被广泛的运用在世界各国范围内的电力生产中。但是,GIS自身也有自己的问题比如它的生产成本很高,故障影响区域大,故障以后查找故障点困难等。
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