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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 工程管理 > 正文


 2022-06-27 22:03:52  


摘 要


关键词:投标文件 清单报价 综合单价分析 施工方案 进度计划 现场平面布置

QingTan Sports center promote housing project bid documents


The tender documents is according to the residents of sports center enhance occupancy tender documentation (hereinafter referred to as the "tender documents"). According to the requirements of the tender documents to write a letter to tender and the appendix to tender, proof of identity is the legal representative, a power of attorney and other qualifications and legal documents. Then double calculation according to have priced bill of quantities and price, prepare the tender documents economic standard parts, this part includes the bill of quantities quotation table, measures the project quotation sheet, the comprehensive unit price analysis table. At the same time, according to the plan formulation of construction organization design, including the main engineering construction plan, schedule, site layout, and the main table artificial materials. Finally some other documentation.

Keywords: Bidding documents;List of quotation sheet; Comprehensive unit price analysis table; The construction plan;progress plan; The site layout

目 录



第一部分 投标函及招标文件要求的相关资料..................4

第一章 投标函及其附录..............................4

1.1 投标函..........................................4

1.2 投标函附录......................................5

第二章 其他相关材料................................6

2.1 法定代表人身份证明及授权委托书..................6

2.2 项目管理机构....................................8

第二部分 技术标部分.....................................13

第三章 施工组织...................................13

3.1 工程概况.......................................13

3.2 施工准备.......................................13

3.3 施工部署.......................................14

3.4 施工组织机构设置...............................14

3.5 施工现场总平面布置.............................17

3.6 施工进度计划及工期保证措施.....................18

3.7 施工质量保证措施...............................19

3.8 施工方案.......................................21

3.9 降低成本措施...................................24

3.10 安全生产和文明施工保证措施....................24

3.11 主要施工机械、设备与材料......................43

3.12 劳动力配备计划................................45

第三部分 商务标部分.....................................47

  1. 工程量清单报价表...........................47

4.1 投标总价封面...................................47

4.2 总说明.........................................48

4.3 单项工程投标报价汇总表.........................50

4.4 单位工程投标报价汇总表.........................51

4.5 分部分项工程量清单与计价表.....................53

4.6 工程量清单综合单价分析表.......................63

4.7 措施项目清单与计价表(一).....................108

4.7 措施项目清单与计价表(二)....................109

4.8 其他项目清单表................................109

4.9 规费、税金项目清单与计价表....................109

4.10 承包人供应主要材料价格表.....................110

第四部分 资格审查材料...................................113



第一部分 投标函及招标文件要求相关资料

  1. 投标函及其附录

1.1 投标函


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