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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 工程管理 > 正文


 2021-09-19 19:37:00  

摘 要





The feasibility study is the use of a variety of scientific methods (including technical economics, sociology, economics and Systems Engineering) for the project the necessity, feasibility, rationality of comprehensive technical and economic analysis of science. The basic task is through extensive research, a comprehensive demonstration project is technically advanced, practical and reliable, whether it is economically reasonable, whether the profit in the finance, to provide a scientific basis for investment decision[1]. At the same time, but also for the feasibility study of bank loans, cooperation contract, engineering design can provide basic information, it is a necessary step for scientific decision-making and means.

Hongshan District of Wuhan East Lake Chutian government development project feasibility study is through carried out of the country, Wuhan City Hongshan District in recent years of residential real estate market research and by the end of 2015 to 2016 at the beginning of the year in Wuhan City real estate market situation analysis. The feasibility study of real estate development project from start to end to submit documents, the whole process has a certain objective laws and procedures.In the study of the project, to the real estate project location, surrounding environment, development conditions, market environment and project development prospects were investigated carefully, carefully economic analysis and comparisons of various development schemes may be used, scientific prediction and assessment of the project after the economic benefits, a comprehensive demonstration project is technically advanced, practical and reliable, whether it is economically reasonable, whether the profit in the finance, the project should invest and how to invest in the construction of concluding observations. With the market supply and demand as the starting point, feasibility analysis and market development projects; to limit resource input, analysis of financing situation and eye-catching image positioning; with scientific methods, analysis the advantages and disadvantages of the project development; with a series of evaluation index for the result, the final determination of the project can be implemented in technology, can achieve the best economic benefits. The feasibility study of the basic construction, is an important content of pre construction work, is also an important step according to the basic construction procedures, its purpose is to make the right decision of construction projects, to avoid or reduce the errors caused by the waste of investment decision.

Key Words: Real estate; Economic evaluation; Project planning; Feasibility research

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 项目概况综述 1

1.1.1 项目基本情况介绍 1

1.1.2项目开发企业介绍 2

1.2项目可行性研究报告的编制依据 2

1.3项目可行性研究报告范围 3

1.4可行性研究的目的及意义 3

1.5国内外现状分析 4

第2章 市场调查分析与预测 5

2.1全国房地产市场运行态势分析 5

2.1.1全国政策环境分析 5

2.1.2全国经济环境分析 6

2.1.3全国房地产市场状况分析 6

2.1.4全国房地产市场特点分析 14

2.1.5全国房地产市场趋势展望 15

2.2城市房地产市场运行态势分析 17

2.2.1武汉市政策环境分析 17

2.2.2武汉市经济环境分析 17

2.2.3武汉市房地产市场状况分析 20

2.2.4武汉市房地产市场特点分析 27

2.2.5武汉市房地产市场趋势展望 31

2.3区域房地产市场运行态势分析 34

2.3.1洪山区发展概况 34

2.3.2洪山区房地产市场状况分析 36

2.4 项目竞争对手分析 36

2.5项目SWOT分析 41

2.5.1 优势(Strength) 41

2.5.2 劣势(Weakness) 42

2.5.3 机会(Opportunity) 42

2.5.4 威胁(Threat) 42

2.6项目定位分析 43

2.6.1 客户定位 43

2.6.2产品定位 43

2.6.3价格定位 43

第3章 项目规划设计 46

3.1 设计依据 46

3.2项目地块概述 46

3.2总体规划设计 48

3.4建筑方案设计 49

3.4.1整体建筑风格设计 49

3.4.2初步户型设计 50

3.4.3室外环境风格设计 58

3.5公建与配套系统设计 59

3.5.1商业配套 59

3.5.2学校及会所 60

3.5.3智能设施 61

第4章 项目实施过程策划 62

4.1项目组织架构 62

4.1.1组织结构图 62

4.1.2企业主要部门职能: 62

4.2项目管理目标分解 62

4.3项目管理工作内容分解(WBS) 63

4.4项目质量、进度、成本管理 64

4.4.1项目质量管理 64

4.4.2项目进度管理 64

4.4.3项目成本管理 66

第5章 项目投资及融资分析 67

5.1项目费用估算 67

5.1.1开发成本估算 67

5.1.2开发费用估算 70

5.1.3开发成本费用估算汇总 71

5.2项目融资与投资 71

5.2.1资金筹措计划 71

5.2.2资金使用计划 72

5.2.3项目运营期税费估算 73

第6章 项目财务分析及经济评价 74

6.1项目现金流量分析 74

6.1.1借款偿还计划 74

6.1.2损益分析 74

6.1.3现金流量分析 75

6.1.4资金来源与运用分析 76

6.2财务分析 77

6.2.1财务评价指标计算 77

6.2.2参数分析及评价 80

6.3不确定性分析 81

6.3.1盈亏平衡分析 81

6.3.2敏感性分析 81

第7章 项目营销策划 84

7.1 开发背景 84

7.2 项目价值体系梳理 84

7.3 销售卖点设计 85

7.4 营销原则 86

7.4.1 市场形象预期 86

7.4.2手段原则 86

7.5 项目营销策略及实施安排 88

7.5.1品牌亮相阶段 88

7.5.2项目亮相阶段 89

7.5.3开盘热销阶段 89

7.6 楚天府VI风格设计方案 89

第8章 结论及建议 91

8.1 结论 91

8.2 建议 92

参考文献 93

致谢 94

第1章 绪论

1.1 项目概况综述

1.1.1 项目基本情况介绍

  1. 项目名称:武汉东湖楚天府房地产项目
  2. 宗地位置:此项目地处武汉市洪山区八一路340号武大对面,紧靠武汉大学校园,中国光谷、街道口毗邻。公交340路、413路、552路、564路、572路,、591路以及608路在东湖新村车站下车,距本项目大概30米;通过地铁2号线在广埠屯站下地铁,步行1200米左右便可到项目。去光谷商圈或者街道口商圈只需耗时8分钟,到中南商圈也只用15分钟,与武汉大学只隔一条马路,去东湖用时不到1分钟。


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