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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 工程管理 > 正文


 2021-04-04 23:52:10  

摘 要





The real estate industry plays an important role in the national economy and has become an important industry in the national economy. On the one hand, real estate can provide an important driving force in investment, consumption, import and export, thus promoting the growth of national economy. On the other hand, real estate is an intermediate link in the economic operation, with numerous upstream and downstream industries. The development of real estate can promote the development of these industries. Secondly, the development of the real estate industry has increased the number of residential houses. Although the current housing price remains high, the accumulation of social wealth will eventually be used to improve people's livelihood. Finally, the contribution of the real estate industry to the government's fiscal revenue is increasing, which is conducive to the government to better play its public functions. The feasibility study of real estate is to analyze and evaluate the market, technology, economy, finance, society, ecology and other aspects before the investment and construction of the project, so as to determine whether the project is finally feasible. As it involves the investment allocation of a large amount of money, it is necessary to carry out the feasibility study of the real estate project.

In China's real estate policy in 2019, the central government will stick to the basic principle of "no speculation". The specific implementation of this principle by government departments is in three aspects, namely, the responsibility to ensure the stability of land price, housing price and expectation is fully implemented, focusing on the principle of "only housing, not speculation" in the specific implementation of policies. At the present stage, medium and low price commercial housing can be more effectively implemented to improve people's livelihood, and the feasibility study of wuhan liantou wutong county real estate development project is carried out. First locate the national economic development situation and the development of the real estate industry status, through access to information about the details of the project is located in detail investigation and analysis, this paper mainly for emergency indexes of land market and sales situation to study the specific data, and then on the basis of the results of the survey to a full range of project orientation, project planning and construction scheme, the analysis of project financing, capital use plan, the comprehensive financial evaluation and sales details of custom. Finally, the conclusion that the real estate development project is feasible is drawn.

Key Words: Real estate; Feasibility research; Market analysis; Economic evaluation


第1章 项目总论 1

1.1 项目概况综述 1

1.1.1项目名称 1

1.1.2项目地块位置及周边环境 1

1.1.3项目基本信息 2

1.2项目可行性研究的编制依据 2

1.3项目可行性研究报告范围 3

1.4项目单位 3

1.5可行性研究的目的及意义 3

1.6国内外现状分析 4

第2章 项目分析与市场定位 5

2.1项目市场研究及分析 5

2.1.1 国内近期房地产市场现状及投资环境分析 5

2.1.2 武汉市房地产运行态势分析 11

2.1.3区域房地产运行态势分析 18

2.2 区域竞争对手分析 20

2.2.1 周边同类楼盘项目 20

2.2.2 相关条件对比 22

2.3项目SWOT分析 24

2.3.3劣势(Weakness)与威胁(Threat) 24

2.3.1不同类型住宅适合的地产因子(见表2-8) 25

2.3.2优势(Strength)与机会(Opportunity) 25

2.4项目定位分析 26

2.4.1 项目功能定位 26

2.4.2项目形象概念定位 26

2.4.3目标市场定位 26

2.4.4目标消费群定位 27

2.4.5价格定位 27

第3章 项目规划设计与策划方案 28

3.1整体规划设计 28

3.1.1项目基本参数 28

3.1.2整体理念 28

3.2建筑方案设计 29

3.2.1商业街区 29

3.2.2正门廊道 29

3.2.3对称园林 29

3.3户型设计 30

3.4公建与配套系统设计 32

3.4.1会所及物业管理用房 32

3.4.2幼儿园 33

3.4.3道路设计 33

第4章 项目实施过程策划 34

4.1项目组织架构 34

4.1.1组织结构图 34

4.1.2项目机构职能 34

4.2项目管理目标分解 35

4.3项目质量、进度、成本管理 35

4.3.1项目质量管理 35

4.3.2项目进度管理 36

4.3.3项目成本管理 36

第5章 项目投资及融资分析 38

5.1项目投资估算及开发成本费用分析 38

5.1.1项目总投资估算 38

5.1.2开发成本费用分析 41

5.2项目融资及资金使用计划 41

5.2.1资金筹措计划 41

5.2.2资金使用计划 42

5.2.3销售收入和增值税金及附加计算 43

第6章 项目财务分析及经济评价 45

6.1项目现金流量分析 45

6.1.1还款付息分析 45

6.1.2利润分析 45

6.1.3现金流量分析 46

6.1.4资金来源与运用分析 48

6.2财务分析 48

6.2.1财务评价指标计算 48

6.2.2参数分析及评价 50

6.3不确定性分析 51

6.3.1盈亏平衡分析 51

6.3.2敏感性分析 51

第7章 项目营销策划 53

7.1 项目整体销售策略 53

7.2 销售卖点设计分析 54

7.3 项目营销策略及实施安排 54

第8章 研究结论及建议 56

8.1 结论 56

8.2 建议 56

致谢 58

第1章 项目总论

1.1 项目概况综述




联投梧桐郡悦园,位于梧桐湖新城门户区域,距光谷直线距离仅有20公里,车行25分钟可抵达光谷自贸区,项目城市主干道凤凰大道,南临东湖高新科技创意城,北邻梧桐湖酒店和梧桐湖湖岸线,西邻待开发的5.8万方集中商业,享有独特梧桐湖自然景观配套和资源配套,浮岛汇商业、梁子湖码头,华师,新区已引进华中师范大学等高等配套,项目集合联投多年的住宅开发经验,旨在打造宜居的都市理想之家。项目外部交通发达,多以高速、快速路为主。区域内交通规划完善,以项目为轴心,可形成10分钟便捷生活圈。与名校华师 一街之隔,步行5分钟到湖泊馆,8分钟至浮岛汇商业,10分钟包揽新城的商业、人文资源。武汉联投梧桐郡悦园项目地理位置及周边环境如图1.1。

图1.1 武汉联投梧桐郡悦园项目地理位置及周边环境


















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