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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 城乡规划 > 正文


 2021-10-18 22:16:16  

摘 要







This article uses GIS and big data to obtain community epidemic data and high-density community planning indicators on the network and perform descriptive statistics, using SPSS to analyze the correlation between the micro-level Wuhan New Coronary Pneumonia community epidemic situation and residential-level building planning index data and perform regression analysis. The corresponding prediction model is obtained, and the obtained results have important guiding significance for the establishment and improvement of the communicable disease prevention and control system in the community of Wuhan.

The thesis mainly studies the correlation between the architectural planning indicators of the community in Wuhan City and the new crown epidemic situation in the high population density community in Wuhan.

The results of the study indicate that there is a high correlation between the new community-level new pneumonia outbreak in Wuhan and the high population density of the plot ratio, building spacing, land area, building age and the type of building distribution in the plot.

The characteristics of this article: At present, the relationship between urban planning and public health is usually qualitative research and the relationship between urbanization development and public health at the macro level and land use, road traffic level and public health, while high population density settlements and public health This relationship is rarely involved. This article analyzes the relationship between the architectural planning indicators and the new crown epidemic in high-density areas from the perspective of a micro-community.

Key Words:High population density;Community level;New coronavirus epidemic;Building planning index


第1章 绪论 7

1.1研究背景 7

1.1.1公共卫生危机是城市不能忽视的重大威胁 7

1.1.2城市防灾规划与社区、小区级疫病防控体系的科学性亟待提高 7

1.1.3依托大数据规划和规划量化分析技术的兴起 8

1.1.4武汉疫情发展趋势 8

1.2研究目标、内容与意义 9

1.2.1研究目标 9

1.2.2研究内容 9

1.2.3研究意义 10

第2章 高人口密度小区、公共卫生与城市防灾学相关研究综述 10

2.1疫病的定义种类与特征 10

2.1.1疫病定义 10

2.1.1疫病种类 10

2.1.2疫病传播方式 11

2.2城市防灾规划与防疫 11

2.2.1城市防灾与城市综合防灾含义 11

2.2.2疫病的灾害性质 12

2.3公共卫生与城市规划 12

2.3.1公共卫生概念 12

2.3.2公共卫生与城市规划 13

2.3.3城市规划与防疫 13

2.4高密度小区 14

2.4.1高密度小区概念 14

2.4.2高密度小区存在问题 15

2.4.3高密度小区相关研究 16

第3章 住区规划存在的防疫影响因素探讨 16

3.1小区密度指标 17

3.2楼栋类型 17

3.3小区绿地率 17

3.4小区规模 18

第4章 基于武汉疫情的住区规划指标研究 18

4.1武汉小区级疫情分布研究 18

4.1.1武汉小区疫情数据选取 18

4.1.2武汉小区疫情分布研究 19

4.2疫情期间人口分布研究 21

4.2.1武汉人口密度分布统计 21

4.2.2武汉人口密度与疫情密度相关分析 23

4.3武汉疫情社区、小区规划指标研究 24

4.3.1武汉疫情社区、小区规划指标选取 25

4.3.2武汉疫情社区规划指标描述统计 25

4.4武汉小区规划指标与小区新冠肺炎疫情相关分析 26

4.4.1武汉小区新冠肺炎疫情密度与小区规划指标相关分析 26

4.4.2小区疫情密度与小区规划指标回归分析 29

4.4.3小区每百人患病人数与小区规划指标相关分析 30

4.4.4小区每百人患病人数与小区规划指标回归分析 33

第5章 结论 34

5.1武汉社区、小区层面规划建议 34

5.1.1武汉小区层面的患病概率与小区居住密度关系需重新审视 34

5.1.2武汉老旧小区应当纳入城市传染病防控规划的重点对象中 35

5.1.3 小区的规划设计与管理中应当更多的考虑社区整体性 35

参考文献: 36

致 谢 38

第1章 绪论





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