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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 设计学类 > 环境设计 > 正文


 2020-04-15 16:02:16  

摘 要

本文对乡村民宿以及相关概念的内涵进行解析,然后以乡村景观的理论为基 础先分析了乡村民宿景观设计的内涵及设计时需遵循的原则,以此探究了乡村民 宿景观规划设计的一些策略,并从国外实例中找到对国内民宿景观的启示。



Design of Beautiful Country Residence " Just like hometown"—— New Chinese Residence Renovation in Natural Village of Donggang Town, Wuxi City


In this paper, the connotation of rural residential and related concepts is analyzed. Then, based on the theory of rural landscape, the connotation of rural residential landscape design and the principles to be followed in the design are analyzed. Some strategies of rural residential landscape planning and design are explored, and Enlightenment to domestic residential landscape is found from foreign examples.

In view of the residential reconstruction of the natural village in the new residence of Donggang Town in Wuxi City, the "old brick and white tile" architectural feature of the cross-regional cultural Hui School is introduced, which integrates the residential quarters with the local high and low buildings and enables visitors to feel the magnificent momentum of the local architecture. The courtyard adopts Chinese style landscaping techniques, symmetrical and beautiful forms, highlighting the landscape characteristics. Indoor adopt new Chinese style, highlight the elegance and solemnity, let people feel a strong cultural atmosphere, adjust the traditional Chinese design method, choose the design style of "home" residential quarters: adopt the unique architectural style of Hui school, and use post-modern design techniques, combined with Anhui cultural characteristics, in the "like home" of the soft furnishing design both respect for tradition, but not stick to it. Tradition inherits tradition and innovates it to show natural beauty rather than artificial beauty, realm beauty, artistic beauty, thinking beauty and invisible beauty... Create feasible planning and design methods, and realize the characteristic culture of new rural residential quarters.

Keywords: Residential Landscape; Hui Style Features; New Chinese Style; Soft-fittingDesign

目 录

摘要 I

引言 Ⅱ

第一章 绪论

1.1 综述 1

1.2 研究背景 1

1.3 研究意义 1

1.4 研究主要内容 3

1.5 国内外研究状况 4

1.5.1 国外情况 4

1.5.2 国内情况 5

第二章 民宿设计理论分析

2.1气候特点 5

2.2 地形地貌 5

2.3 区位交通分析 6

2.4跨地域原文化分析 6

第三章 民宿设计方案分析

3.1 方案构思 6

3.2 设计定位 6

3.3 设计主题思想 7

3.4 设计元素分析 7

3.5 平面及功能分析 8

3.6 人流动线分析 8

3.7 设计方案 8

3.7.1 建筑外立面设计 8

3.7.2 庭院景观设计 9

3.7.3 门厅设计 9

3.7.4 餐厅设计 9

3.7.5 单人卧室设计 9

3.7.6 双人卧室设计 9

3.7.7 书画室设计 10

3.7.8 琴苑茶艺室设计 10

3.7.9 露天休闲区设计 10

结语 11

参考文献 12

致谢 13



人民生活水平的日渐提高带动了旅游业的快速发展,乡村旅游的田园魅力以及便捷的 交通吸引了越来越多的游客。乡村民宿的景观是乡村旅游的一部分,具有乡村景观的普遍特征,具有类型多样性、 景观独特性、文化多样性、旅游区位优势明显、游客停驻时间长、村民服务意识普遍较高 等特点,将乡村民宿景观环境与旅游休闲相结合,满足不同类型人群的多样需求,提供体 验、休闲、教育、观赏等空间场所,营造出文化氛围浓厚、宜居宜游、生态保护、富有地 域风情民宿景观空间,使人们感受到大自然的美好,满足人们对乡村文化的好奇以及对于 乡村的怀旧之情,提升人的生活幸福感以及促进人与自然的和谐相处。



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