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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 设计学类 > 环境设计 > 正文


 2022-01-01 22:33:40  


摘 要

在信息化网络高速交互的今天,技术更新已经不再是什么稀奇的事情,国外人的生活要求已经不能仅仅停留在吃饱穿暖这一境界下了。由吃保穿暖到实体物质文化的满足再到精神层面的富足,这都反映出时代在进步。继改革开放和数字全球化之后,科技力量得到飞速发展。从玛丽·居里发现镭元素到现在,已经有更多的新元素被发现和应用到我们的日常生活中来,伴随而来的是新材料的产生。通过长期的研究,人们发现传统材料的运用在建筑设计和景观改造上虽然称不上过时,但是暴露出来的诸多问题,例如环境污染、影响人类活动等已经可以被新型材料所解决。国外的许多优秀案例也已经充分证明了这一点。我国在使用新型材料改造景观小品虽然还在刚刚起步阶段,但是我相信在未来新型材料的实际运用 一定会受到越来越多的重视。


关键词:景观改造 科技园 新型材料 科技进步

Design using new materials in the landscape


In today's information network high-speed interaction, technology update is no longer a rare thing, the living requirements of foreign people can no longer just stay in the realm of food, clothing and warmth. From eating, keeping warm and wearing clothes to the satisfaction of material and cultural entities to the spiritual level of affluence, which all reflect the progress of The Times. Following the reform and opening up and digital globalization, the power of science and technology has developed rapidly. Since Marie Curie discovered the element radium, more and more new elements have been discovered and applied to our daily life, accompanied by the production of new materials. Through long-term research, people have found that although the application of traditional materials in architectural design and landscape transformation is not outdated, many problems exposed, such as environmental pollution and human activities, can be made up by new materials. Many excellent cases abroad have fully proved this point. Although China is still in the initial stage of using new materials to transform the landscape sketch, I believe that in the future such a scheme will be paid more and more attention.

The site of this topic is suzhou nanometer science and technology park, which has been completed in 2007. It is located in suzhou industrial park, dushu lake higher education district in the southwest, dushu lake in the west, and commercial residential areas on the other three sides. According to the design principle, we respect and protect the environment, put people first, and show the superiority of science and technology materials, so that the transformation of science and technology park can highlight the characteristics of new materials.

Keywords: landscape transformation; science park; new material science; technology progress

目 录

摘要 1


第一章 绪论 7

1.1新型材料的定义 7

1.2研究背景 7

1.3研究目的/意义 7

1.4当前设计背景下新型材料的运用 8

1.5新型材料的运用前景 8

第二章 新型建筑材料景观设计运用 10

2.1新型建筑材料的使用价值 10

2.1.1科学价值 10

2.1.2学术价值 10

2.1.3实用价值 10

2.2新型材料的使用原则 10

2.2.1保护环境 10

2.2.2以人为本 11

2.2.3深入创新 11

2.3新型材料的实际运用 11

2.3.1以科技创新基地为试点 11

2.3.2景观功能的交叉利用 11

2.3.3新旧材料的复合使用 12

第三章 案例分析 13

3.1纳米材料案例分析 13

3.1.1纳米水泥的运用 13

3.1.2纳米玻璃的运用 13

3.1.3纳米陶瓷的运用 14

3.1.4纳米保温材料的运用 14

第四章 苏州纳米科技园景观改造 15

4.1前期调研 15

4.1.1地理位置 15

4.1.2开发区的价值 15

4.1.3改造前存在的问题 15

4.2设计理念 16

4.3设计原则 16

4.3.1因地制宜 16

4.3.2以人为本 16

4.3.3招商引资 17

4.4景观小品设计上的具体运用 17

4.4.1入口标志景观 17

4.4.2中心树状景观小品 17

4.4.3滨水休息平台 18

4.4.4复合型广场 18

4.5交通流线 19

4.6植物配置 19

第五章 结语 1

参考文献 1

致谢 1


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