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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 设计学类 > 环境设计 > 正文


 2021-03-14 21:35:26  

摘 要






Youth host because of its distinctive characteristics so long enduring. With the diversification of forms of travel, people began to travel freely in the planning of travel itinerary, free way for more people love and recognition. then. Specifically for the backpackers and family groups to serve the form of CYTS in China's tourism market to open. Youth host advocates concerned about nature, close to nature; self-help exchange, interactive; environmental protection, low-carbon, green and simple. It is consistent with the concept of modern life, it leads people to love nature, back to nature, to enjoy a richer spiritual life, return to nature.

Youth hostel has a self-service space model. Space can be divided into public space, open space and auxiliary space. Youth hostel has a distinctive style of theme. They are either modern simple style, or the ancient Yuan Zhen, natural ecotype, or focus on national characteristics and situational experience.

This article mainly from the current social background, the old building for the transformation of the brigade design research, the design principles of its analysis and use. In this paper, the "package floor" into the design of youth hostels, described the feasible programs and ideas. Because of the limited ability of the author, some places are not perfect enough to design, and the old building into a youth hostel design problems and areas without in-depth study, need to learn and work in the future to further thinking and research.

Key Words: youth hostel; cheese floor; old building; transformati


第1章 绪论 1

1.1 选题的研究背景 1

1.1.1 青年旅舍的起源与发展 1

1.1.2 我国青年旅舍的发展历程 1

1.2 研究的目的和意义 2

1.3 国内外现状分析 3

1.3.1 国外现状分析 3

1.3.2 国内现状分析 3

第2章 建筑改造思潮下的青年旅舍设计分析 5

2.1 青年旅舍的特征分析 5

2.2 青年旅舍的设计原则 5

2.2.1 历史文化的延续 5

2.2.2 青年旅舍特征的彰显 5

2.2.3 绿色生态的理念 6

第3章 建筑改造思潮下的青年旅舍空间设计 7

3.1 原“筒子楼”建筑现状分析 7

3.2 “旅盒”主题式空间布局的情景重现 7

3.3 自助式功能空间的尺度结构 9

3.4 体验式交通流线的维度重组 9

第4章 结论 10

参考文献 11

致 谢 12

第1章 绪论

1.1 选题的研究背景

1.1.1 青年旅舍的起源与发展

青年旅舍出现在20世纪的欧洲,因受到当时社会背景的影响,它的发展也随之而变化。青年旅舍的雏形可以追溯到欧洲19世纪以前的强制性游学制度,年轻学生在欧洲各国游学,当时有基督青年会的出现,为了帮助学生有便宜的住宿场所。19世纪以后,人们的开始对乡野漫步和运动产生兴趣,各个地区组织乡野活动。到了20世纪,德国地区的年轻人对徒步旅行有着浓厚的兴趣,他们改变传统的生活方式,追求新的生活体验。为了满足青年群体的徒步旅行需求,引发了很多人的思考,于是世界上第一个青年旅舍就诞生了——德国的阿姆斯特丹AItena 青年旅舍。1932年国际青年旅舍联盟成立。目前,有4600多家青年旅舍加入国际青年旅舍联盟,遍布100多个国家。[1]



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