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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 设计学类 > 工业设计 > 正文


 2021-08-24 22:53:41  

摘 要





With the continuous progress of human society, the rapid development of the network, the quality of life for people to improve the quality of life. A variety of new products and interactive models continue to update. "People oriented" concept of interaction and interactive design has long been a part of people's life. Emotional and humanized design has also become the development trend of human-computer interaction design, we need to think about the problem from the perspective of users. Through the understanding of the user's psychological needs, design a reasonable and humane products, improve the communication between human and computer interaction.

Understanding of user needs and human design is an important factor in the design of interactive design, only focus on the user's psychological needs and experience of design, in order to contribute to the use of interactive objects of pleasure. People through the five sense to know things, hearing, touch, smell, vision, thinking, feeling. When people use a variety of multimedia and mobile terminals, the vast majority of the understanding of a certain product comes from the visual interface design, the second is the sense of hearing and touch. The embodiment of the value of any product is to meet the needs of the user's design, to bring the spirit of pleasure. Human computer interaction should consider the user's emotional experience based on the needs of the basic functional modules

Key Words:Interaction Design Emotional Design User Experience

User Needs

目 录

第一章 绪论 1

1.1交互设计的定义 2

1.2 交互设计的国内外发展 2

第二章 开发移动终端智能化产品 4

2.1开发移动终端智能化产品的意义 4

2.2开发移动终端智能化产品流程简述 5

2.3 运动装备app的设计与其运用 9

第三章情感化交互设计 12

3.1情感化交互设计的流程导向 12

3.2情感化交互设计的定义 13

3.3情感化交互设计的趋势 15

第四章交互设计的未来展望 16

4.1 视觉体感交互模式 16

4.2脑电波交互模式 17

第五章 结论 18

参考文献 19

致谢 20

第一章 绪论



交互设计即是互动设计(Interaction Design),交互设计指在特定的场景模式下运用app、电子设备、用户服务、佩戴装置等系统进行的互动方式设计。交互设计的定义是关注交互体验的新型学科,在20世纪80年代由IDEO创始人之一的比尔摩格里吉(Bill Moggridge)提出,最初他给他命名为“Soft Face ” ,由于这个名字和当时流行的“椰菜娃娃(Cabbage Patch doll)差不多,于是他重新命名为“Iteraction Design”,便是现在我们所熟悉的交互设计。[1]交互设计是一种科学,他致力于让产品易用,在了解用户喜好的同时,设计出使用者期望的交互方式,并且对此进行研究和发展。

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