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毕业论文网 > 任务书 > 农林类 > 园林 > 正文


 2021-12-31 22:19:13  


1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容、要求、设计方案、规划等

一、前言: 结合文献阅读,进一步了解研究内容,明确研究的目的和意义。

二、方案拟定: 以杜鹃鲜切花为试验材料,分别进行瓶插保鲜处理,进行适宜asa和aba浓度的探讨。

三、实验要求及数据采集与处理:1. 做好试验前的各项准备工作,在进行实验前首先要熟悉实验的原理和实验的各个步骤。


2. 参考文献(不低于12篇)

1. 刘俊. 植物激素在百合切花保鲜中的应用及其机理研 究[D]. 南京: 南京林业大学, 2010. 2. 刘雅莉, 王飞, 丁勤, 等. 催花保鲜剂对百合(Lilium)绿 蕾催花保鲜生理的研究[J]. 西南农业大学学报, 2000, 28(6): 89-95. 3. 李敏, 耿兴敏, 刘俊. ABA 和蔗糖预处理对索邦百合 切花保鲜效果的影响[J].林业科技开发, 2012, 26(2): 41-44. 4. 姜跃丽, 叶桦. 不同浓度蔗糖对切花洋桔梗瓶插寿命 的影响[J]. 南方农业, 2009(7): 93-95. 5. Ichimura K, Kawabata Y, Kishimoto M, et al. Shortage of soluble carbohydrate is largely responsible for short vase life of cut Sonia rose flowers[J]. Journal of Japanese Society for Horticultural Science, 2003, 72(4): 292-298. 6. Ichimura K, Hisamatsu T. Effects of continuous treatment with sucrose on the vase life, soluble carbohydrate concentrations, and ethylene production of cut Snapdragon flowers[J]. Journal of Japanese Society for Horticultural Science, 1999, 68(1): 61-66. 7. Ichimura K, Suto K. Effects of time of sucrose treatment on vase life, soluble carbohydrate concentrations and production in cut sweet pea flower [J]. Plant Growth Regulation, 1999, 28(2): 117-122. 8. Meng F X. Deleterious effects of sucrose on cut rose in postharvest treatment[J]. Transactions of the CSAE, 2001, 17(1): 105-110. 9. Marlhart A H, Harper M S. Deleterious effects of sucrose in preservative solution on leaves of cut rose [J]. Hortscience, 1995, 30(7): 1429-1432.

[19] van Doorn WG, Susan S H. Postharvest quality of lily flower[J]. Postharvest Biology Technology, 2011, 62(1): 1-6. 10. Pun, U. K., Yamada, T., Azuma, M., Tanase, K., et al.Effect of sucrose on sensitivity to ethylene and enzyme activities and gene expression involved in ethylene biosynthesis in cut carnations. Postharvest Biology Technology, 2016,121, 151-158.11. Norikoshi, R., Shibata, T., Niki, T., Ichimura, K. Sucrose treatment enlarges petal cell size and increases vacuolar sugar concentrations in cut rose flowers. Postharvest Biology Technology,2016,116, 59-65.

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