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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 油气储运工程 > 正文


 2021-11-06 20:16:11  

摘 要

随着我国社会经济与科技的快速发展与进步,机械制造业也得到了快速的发展与提升,同时由于工程零件的大型化,对零件的寿命预测以及维修将会有很大的困难,这就需要更加简便的方法进行结构的受力分析,便在此分析数据下进行相关的寿命预测计算,采用材料力学法进行计算的效率高,但由于采用计算方法较多简化,导致计算结果的准确度较低;而采用有限元法不仅可以计算结构的受力情况,还可以计算轮齿间的关联挠度等,因而计算结果的准确度较高,所以采用有限元的方法可以很好实现大型齿轮齿条的结构受力分析,进行齿轮齿条的寿命预测。三峡升船机具有提升重量大、升程高、上下游通航水位变幅大、水位变率快等特点,齿轮齿条为爬升式, 外形尺寸大、齿面硬度高、制造工艺复杂、质量稳定性差和控制困难其加工精度方面都有极高的要求,制造、安装及土建工程等结构的设计和施工对精度等方面要求很高,三峡升船机船厢驱动系统由驱动系统与同步轴系统两部分组成,每套机械驱动单元均包括电动机、主减速器、小齿轮轴、锥齿轮箱等设备。这样的机械驱动同步轴系统的模块化设计,可以有效保证系统的安全稳定正常运行,降低事故在运行中发生的可能性和概率。

在本文中,主要对齿轮齿条进行有限元受力分析,在相应载荷条件下,分析齿轮齿条应力应变情况,并对比齿轮齿条所选材料的屈服等数据判断齿轮齿条的工作状态。得到齿轮齿条应力应变集中位置,为后续的齿轮齿条设计提高参考。并对齿轮齿条的损坏修复进行方案的筛选。采用方法为激光熔覆技术,激光熔覆技术就是在损坏物体表面加入熔覆材料, 然后再用激光束将其与物体表面融为一体,物体的表面就被熔覆材料所覆盖,这样可以增加物体的表面耐腐蚀、耐磨、抗氧化等作用。采用激光熔覆产生的热影响范围很小,对其力学性能影响也十分微小,所用范围十分广泛,材料限制不大。熔覆材料强度大、结构结实且结合稳定操作简单。



With the rapid development and progress of social economy and science and technology in China, the mechanical manufacturing industry has also been rapid development and promotion. At the same time, due to the large-scale engineering parts, it will be very difficult to predict the life of parts and maintenance, which requires a more simple method for structural stress analysis The method of mechanics of materials is efficient in calculation, but it is more simplified, As a result, the accuracy of the calculation results is low; and the finite element method can not only calculate the stress of the structure, but also calculate the related deflection between the teeth, so the accuracy of the calculation results is high, so the finite element method can well realize the structural stress analysis of large-scale gear rack and predict the life of the gear rack. The Three Gorges ship lift has the characteristics of large lifting weight, high lift, large fluctuation of upstream and downstream navigable water level, and fast water level variation. The rack and pinion are climbing type, with large dimension, high hardness of tooth surface, complex manufacturing process, poor quality stability and difficult control. Its processing accuracy has high requirements, The design and construction of structures such as manufacturing, installation and civil engineering have high requirements on accuracy. The driving system of the ship chamber of the Three Gorges ship lift consists of two parts: the driving system and the synchronous shaft system. Each set of mechanical driving unit includes the motor, main reducer, pinion shaft, bevel gear box and other equipment. Such modular design of mechanical drive synchronous shaft system can effectively ensure the safe and stable normal operation of the system, reduce the possibility and probability of accidents in operation.

In this paper, the finite element analysis of the gear and rack is mainly carried out. Under the corresponding load conditions, the stress and strain of the gear and rack are analyzed, and the working state of the gear and rack is judged by comparing the yield data of the selected materials of the gear and rack. The stress-strain concentration position of the gear rack is obtained, which can provide reference for the subsequent design of the gear rack. At the same time, the scheme of repairing the damage of gear rack is selected. The method is laser cladding technology. Laser cladding technology is to add cladding material to the damaged object surface, and then use laser beam to integrate it with the object surface. The surface of the object is covered by the cladding material, which can increase the corrosion resistance, wear resistance, oxidation resistance and other functions of the object surface. The thermal effect of laser cladding is very small, and its mechanical properties are also very small. The range of laser cladding is very wide, and the material is not limited. The cladding material has the advantages of high strength, strong structure and simple operation.

Key Words:gear rack;ship lift;Characteristic analysis

目 录

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2齿轮齿条国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1齿轮齿条国内研究现状 2

1.2.2国内研究现状 2

1.3研究内容与技术路线 3

1.3.1研究内容 3

1.3.2技术路线 4

第二章 升船机与传动系统 5

2.1升船机概况及工作原理 5

2.1.1升船机概况 5

2.1.2升船机工作原理 6

2.2升船机的类型与特点 7

2.3传动系统的组成与类型 8

2.4 本章小结 9

第三章 三峡升船机齿轮齿条特性分析与齿轮维护 10

3.1三峡升船机齿轮齿条建模 10

3.2三峡升船机齿轮齿条静力分析 13

3.3三峡升船机齿轮齿条动力学分析 16

第四章 齿轮齿条安装与巡检 19

4.1 齿轮安装主要事项 19

4.2齿轮齿条修护措施 19

第五章 结论与展望会 21

5.1结论 21

5.2展望 21

参考文献 22

致谢 25

第一章 绪论


三峡升船机从下游进如航道到上游离开航道总计长度约为5000米,用于运行承船厢所建设的段塔柱高达146米,但是并不是所有的段塔柱均用于承船厢的运行,承船厢的运行高度由齿轮的运行提升高度来定,而齿轮的最大提升高度为113米,三峡升船机不仅最 大提升高度大,最大齿轮提升重量更是史无前例的超过1.55万吨,三峡升船机的承船厢长宽高分别未132米、23.4米与10米,三峡升船机巨大的设计,让其具有巨大的载船能力,不超过3000吨级的大型船舶均可通过三峡升船机运行过坝。可见三峡升船机工程不仅规模巨大,同时其建造难度与技术难度也是非同小可的。当船舶在三峡升船机上进行运送时,三峡升船机强大的驱动系统可以将船舶快速稳定的运载,大大缩短了出船舶过坝的时间,所以相同的时间内三峡升船机可以通过更多的船舶。毫无疑问的是三峡升船机每日的工作便是上下运行,其设计的运行次数为18次,可见在如此高频的往复运动之下,齿轮齿条必然会产生金属疲劳,而金属一但产生疲劳现象就会对结构产生极大的隐形破坏。

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