2021-07-12 22:29:20
摘 要
1 概述 3
1.1课题研究的目的与意义 3
1.2 国内外研究现状 3
2 含油废水处理的关键技术及南京港废水处理现状 7
2.1 含油废水处理的关键技术 7
2.1.1 涡凹气浮池 7
2.1.2 曝气生物滤池技术 7
2.1.3 其它的含油废水处理技术 8
2.2 南京港废水处理的现状 9
2.2.1 原有流程 9
2.2.2 原有工艺流程的缺点 9
3 南京港工艺设计论证 10
3.1含油废水处理流程的选择 10
3.1.1含油废水处理流程图设计与流程说明 10
3.1.2 南京油港设计流程说明 10
3.2 流程设备说明 12
3.2.1 闸门井 12
3.2.2 格栅 12
3.2.3 调节池 13
3.2.4 平板隔油池 13
3.2.5 斜板隔油池 13
3.2.6 涡凹气浮池 14
3.2.7 BAF池 14
3.2.8 沉砂池 15
3.3 平面布置图的原则 15
3.3.2 污水处理设计平面布置 16 各处理设备的平面布置 16 管线布置 17
3.5 经济性论证 19
3.5.1 物化阶段 19
3.5.2 生化阶段 20
3.5.3 建设与投资 20原有规模 20 建设投资 20
3.5.4 改建之后的一些优点 20
4 结论与展望 21
5 参考文献 22
This article is about the Nanjing Port tank sewage treatment process design, which is mainly the tank sewage treatment process, effect and economic improvement and perfection, and some of the original facilities for maintenance and reconstruction, to ensure that the process can not be interrupted, emergency water normal processing. In the current, with port put into use is associated with the development of deepening, the original process because of the increasingly serious problem is no longer applicable to the use of daily work. The problems include: land area occupied by large, excessive dependence on manual processing, low degree of automation, operation system instability, operation cost is higher and there is no effective decontamination triage work, oily sewage processing capacity greatly, reduces the emulsified oil, COD and NH3-N removal rate, resulting in after treatment, the effluent oil and other sewage in SS and COD content is still very high and so on. So the design on the basis of the original, maintenance and improvement of the process in the original equipment, and in the process before joining the decontamination triage technology, to the total amount of effluent reduction, reduce pressure, to more effectively carry out the work. Also deal with cavitation air flotation technology alone can not effectively remove COD and other impurities, in the wake of the cavitation air flotation pool increased biological aerated filter process, so that the follow-up process improved the combination process of CAF and BAF, so can the advantages of complementary, the maximum scavenging impurities in the oil. In the overall layout of the layout, due to addition of BAF pool, original tank layout is not conducive to the flow of operation. Therefore, the caf pool were reconstructed, reduce redundant pipes, to ensure that the new process can meet the daily emission standard. After a preliminary economic feasibility study is expected to be put into use after being able to get a better purification effect.
Keyword:Port of Nanjing;process design;oil-polluted water
1 概述