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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 油气储运工程 > 正文


 2021-05-06 13:05:29  

摘 要


本文分析了国内外天然气管道减阻技术现状及减阻机理,通过对比各种减阻技术的优缺点,并结合实际情况,决定对天然气管道非光滑表面减阻进行研究。文章结合仿生沟槽减阻技术,采用计算流体力学软件CFD 软件进行仿真建模。采用连续结构的等腰三角形微沟槽,对不同沟槽尺寸进行优化处理,得到减阻效果相对较好的沟槽尺寸,并得到最佳减阻率高达18.6%,根据影响减阻的主要因素分析了减阻机理。此外,结合得到的最佳沟槽尺寸和仿生鲨鱼皮设计了一种新型沟槽,得到更大的减阻效果,减阻率有所提高达21.6%。本文利用CAD软件建立3D沟槽模型,FUENT软件合理划分网格使计算结果更加精确并且进行流场模拟和仿真计算得到减阻率。




Along with the advancement of urbanization, natural gas as a kind of low carbon pollution of fossil energy, demand is also increasing. Pipe as the main method of transportation of natural gas, energy conservation is an important research direction of pipeline technology. Drag reduction (abbreviate to DR) technology of pipe can decrease resistance and increase the throughput, reduce the loss, increase enterprise economic benefits and social benefits.

The paper analysis the status and the mechanism of DR technology of the natural gas pipeline at home and abroad, by comparing the advantages and disadvantages of all kinds of DR technology, and combining with the actual situation, and decide to do the study of the DR technology of non-smooth surface for natural gas pipeline. Based on DR technology of bionic groove, utilizes the computational fluid dynamics software CFD to simulation modeling. By using the isosceles triangle groove of continuous structure, optimizing different sizes of the groove, then get the size of which the effect of DR is better, and the best DR efficiency is up to 18.6%, And according to the main factors ,the DR mechanism are analyzed. In addition, based on the best groove size and bionic shark-skin, a new kind of groove was designed, which has greater DR, and the DR efficiency increased to 21.6%. In this paper, utilized CAD software for 3D groove modeling and FLUENT software for meshing reasonably, to get more accurate results and makes flow field simulation and calculation for DR efficiency.

The results of the study show that the micro groove structure has a certain size drag reduction effect, the mechanism of drag reduction was due to the increase of boundary layer thickness of viscous sublayer , which makes the laminar boundary layer flow more stability, and the existence of near wall low-speed fluid avoid the direct contact with the surface fluid, the friction between liquid which avoid the friction power loss between solid and liquid, so as to achieve drag reduction.

Keywords: urban natural gas pipeline, grooved drag reduction, simulation modeling, meshing , FLUENT numerical computation.


摘要 II


第一章 绪论 3

1.1城镇天然气管道减阻的目的与意义 3

1.2国内外天然气管道减阻技术的现状及发展 3

1.2.1光滑表面减阻技术的研究进展 3

1.2.2国内外非光滑表面减阻技术的研究进展 5

1.3论文的结构和内容 6

第二章 流体力学理论基础及研究方法 8

2.1粘性流体流动 8

2.1.1粘性流体的两种流态 8

2.1.2圆管层流 9

2.1.3圆管湍流 9

2.1.4圆管湍流水力计算 9

2.2边界层流动 10

2.2.1湍流边界层 10

2.2.2湍流边界层的流动分离 11

2.3表面粗糙度 11

2.4微纳尺度结构 12

2.5微沟槽表面减阻机理的探索 13

2.5.1第二涡群论 13

2.5.2突出高度论 13

2.5.3微型空气轴承 14

2.6圆管湍流的数值模拟方法 14

2.6.1CFD方法 15

2.6.2湍流模型 15

2.6.3CFD计算过程 16

2.7本章总结 16

第三章 沟槽面圆管湍流减阻的数值计算 17

3.1数值计算参数设定 17

3.1.1建模 17

3.1.2网格划分 20

3.1.3边界条件设置 21

3.1.4微尺度验证 23

3.2 计算结果和分析 24

3.2.1湍流阻力 24

3.2.2粘性底层厚度 24

3.2.3速度分布 25

3.3减阻机理分析 28

3.4本章总结 29

第四章 新型仿生沟槽圆管湍流的数值计算 31

4.1湍流阻力 32

4.2粘性底层厚度 33

4.3壁面摩擦系数 33

4.4速度分布 34

4.6减阻机理分析 35

4.7本章总结 36

第五章 总结与展望 37

5.1总结 37

5.2展望 38

参考文献 39

致谢 41

第一章 绪论




研究天然气管道减阻技术就是要利用技术手段获得经济效益和社会效益。通过减阻可以: 1、 降低管道的摩擦阻力,提高管道输送效率,减少能量损失; 2、提高输量弹性,以适应不同季节的需求变化;3、在保证输气量不变的情况下,降低输送压力,对于出现腐蚀或损伤的管道,可减少事故发生;4、 具有防止管道内腐蚀和阻塞。






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