2021-04-21 22:38:56
摘 要
With the development of industry, the energy industry as a "blood" of industry has received more and more attention from people. At the same time, the pollution of the environment has become more and more serious, and humanity has become increasingly demanding of environmental protection. Environmental issues have also become the focus of international attention. Countries all over the world have begun to vigorously develop clean energy, and have formulated corresponding policies and regulations on primary energy pollutant emissions. Natural gas is a high-quality energy source with rich reserves, convenient use, low environmental pollution, safety, and high calorific value. It is mainly used for urban residents, public buildings, commercial sectors, industrial sectors, power plants, and transportation sectors. In the 21st century, China began to vigorously develop the natural gas industry. Continuously establish and improve the natural gas pipeline network, increase the exploitation of natural gas, expand the natural gas industry chain, and increase the proportion of natural gas in China's energy consumption structure. It is estimated that in the 21st century, the share of natural gas in the world's energy consumption structure will surpass that of oil to become the world's most important energy source.
This paper will comprehensively analyze the reasons for the shortage of natural gas in the winter of 2017 in China and propose corresponding improvement measures. Firstly, from the downstream consumption end of natural gas, the midstream construction end, and the upstream supply end, we will comprehensively analyze the reasons for the shortage of natural gas in the north of China's 2017 winter season. Second, we will analyze the major problems existing in China's natural gas supply chain from the perspective of supply chain, and The corresponding improvement strategy of infrastructure construction is proposed, followed by the study of the necessity of the “coal gas project” project vigorously promoted by the state in recent years, and then discussing some major existing projects of the “coal gas” project at the current stage of development. In the end, I will categorize and analyze the risks of the process of translating natural gas from the provincial backbone network to the national backbone network for the purpose of alleviating the shortage of natural gas in the north, and propose corresponding measures to control the risks.
Keyword: Natural gas ;Influencing factors ;Supply chain ;Coal gas
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2国内外研究现状 2
1.2.1国际天然气利用领域 2
1.2.2我国天然气发展现状 3
1.3研究内容 6
第2章 全面分析我国2017年北方天 9
然气供应紧张局面形成的原因 9
2.1下游消费端分析 9
2.1.1天然气作为清洁能源得到国家政策的大力推行 9
2.1.2煤改气工程的落实 12
2.1.3经济回暖工业用气需求提高 14
2.2中游建设端分析 15
2.2.1落后地区天然气成本过高、配套工程的滞后 15
2.2.2基础设施一体化 15
2.3上游供应端分析 16
2.3.1上端大型央企垄断能源市场,天然气供应结构单一 16
第3章 天然气供应链基础建设及改进措施 17
3.1天然气供应链存在的主要问题 17
3.1.1调峰能力不足 17
3.1.2进口天然气依赖程度大 18
3.1.3地下储气库设施建设滞后 20
3.2天然气基础设施战略的实施 21
3.2.1国内天然气基础设施现状 21
3.2.2天然气基础设施的建设战略 22
3.3天然气调配解决方案 24
3.3.1天然气调配保供的主要策略 24
3.3.2天然气国网一体化调配可行性分析 25
第4章 “煤制气”工程的重要作用 27
4.1针对“气荒”现象煤制天然气的必要性 27
4.1.1符合我国能源资源特性 27
4.1.2满足市场天然气需求 27
4.1.3煤制天然气具有竞争力 28
4.2煤制天然气工程中存在的问题 29
4.2.1环保问题 29
4.2.2天然气生产企业与输配企业之间的矛盾 30
第5章 对地方省级管网向国家主干网反输天然气工艺流程危险的分类及应对措施 32
5.1反输天然气的背景及意义 32
5.2影响天然气管道安全反输送的因素 32
5.2.1制度建设的不完善 33
5.2.2设计不合理 33
5.2.3施工质量不达标 33
5.2.4应急方案不全面 33
5.2.5自然灾害 33
5.3控制风险因素的措施 34
5.3.1对施工质量严格把控 34
5.3.2做好防腐工作 34
5.3.3增强管道保护意识 34
5.3.4合理化管理提高管理人员素质水平 34
第6章 结论与愿望 35
第1章 绪 论
图1-1 1995年-2035年间一次能源消费量(全球)(百万桶油当量/天)
天然气相比于原油和原煤,其污染程度很小。全世界对于节能环保的共同认同需求能源消费低碳化,因此,天然气将成为这种转变的关键点。据BP 公司的《2035 世界能源展望》,在之后的20年中,全球一次能源消费平均要增加1.5%每年。
图1-2 发达国家和发展中国家用气差异
图1-3 我国天然气消费结构图
(1) 是在北美、欧洲以及日韩地区的城市燃气发展已处于饱和状态,。但是在发达国家,城市燃气仍然是重头。
(2) 城市燃气的大力发展推动了燃气器具等配套设施的改进和发展。发达国家一直致力于新型燃气具的发展与推广从而更加有效的利用天然气。
(3) 在城市燃气方面开拓新的领域。燃气空调在日本及欧美地区的大力发展就是发达国家通过不断的科技创新,将天然气的利用领域不断拓宽的一个很好的例子。