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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 油气储运工程 > 正文


 2021-04-10 00:55:23  

摘 要


课题以南京油港罐区为虚拟设计对象,研究设计基于该油港罐区的虚拟现实系统。项目以Visual Studio 2012为开发工具,通过C#语言设计系统功能模块。基于Unity 3D引擎进行虚拟现实场景的构建和漫游系统的开发。该研究对于罐区可视化、智能化和信息化管理起到理论支持和实践指导作用。

基于VR技术在南京油港罐区的三维仿真实现研究,收集目标罐区地理信息平面图,对罐区尺寸比例进行采样,进行了罐区虚拟场景流程图设计和漫游系统架构。利用Unity 3D应用层进行场景的再现,通过地形编辑器、光照渲染、粒子系统等组件进行罐区虚拟环境的构建。在漫游系统的实现中,采用面向对象的C#语言进行脚本开发,实现第一人称、第三人称和上帝视角的漫游,满足软件的兼容和二次开发。最终调试人物在不同场景下漫游视角及操作,完成了虚拟场景漫游程序的生成。

关键词:虚拟现实;油港罐区;三维仿真;Unity 3D


With the rapid development of computer science and technology and the gradual maturity of hardware products such as interface chips, especially the arrival of 5G era accelerates the upgrading from "two-dimensional" to "three-dimensional", virtual reality technology will usher in the development peak. The security problem, personnel training and design and construction of oil port tank area have always been the focus of attention of petroleum enterprises. The trend of innovation and breakthrough combining VR with traditional industries is expanding day by day. Therefore, 3d simulation of VR technology in oil port tank area is of great significance to the safety and design of the tank area.

This paper takes Nanjing oil port tank area as the virtual design object, and studies and designs the virtual reality system based on the tank area. This project takes Visual Studio 2012 as the development tool and designs the system function module through C# language. Build virtual reality scene and develop roaming system based on Unity 3D engine. The research provides theoretical support and practical guidance for the visualization, intelligence and information management of tank areas.

Based on VR technology, the 3d simulation research of Nanjing oil port tank area was carried out. The Unity 3D application layer was used to reproduce the scene, and components such as terrain editor, light rendering and particle system were used to construct the virtual environment of the tank area. IN the realization of roaming system, object-oriented C# language is adopted for script development to realize the roaming from the first person, the third person and the god's perspective and meet the requirements of software compatibility and secondary development. The final debugging characters in different scenes roaming perspective and operation, completed the virtual scene roaming program generation. The current situation, the development of petrochemical personnel management training often requires large-scale investment in capital and equipment or has an impact on the production of enterprises, and computer simulation can better improve the safety awareness of employees and achieve better results while reducing the construction investment capital.

Keywords: Virtual reality; Oil terminal; Three-dimensional simulation; Unity 3D

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究意义 1

1.3 虚拟现实技术的国内外研究现状 1

1.3.1 虚拟现实技术的国外研究现状 1

1.3.2 虚拟现实技术的国内研究现状 2

1.4 虚拟现实在数字化油库的应用现状 2

1.5 本章小结 3

第2章 虚拟现实技术的相关理论与技术 4

2.1 虚拟现实介绍 4

2.1.1 虚拟现实技术的发展 4

2.1.2 虚拟现实技术的特点 5

2.2 Unity3D概述 5

2.2.1 Unity3D简介 5

2.2.2 Unity3D特点 6

2.2.3 Unity3D基本模块 6

2.2.4 Unity3D开发框架 7

2.3 HTC VIVE概述 8

2.4 3DS Max概述 9

2.4.1 3DS Max简介 9

2.4.2 3DS Max特点 9

2.5 本章小结 9

第3章 南京油港罐区三维仿真系统的实现 10

3.1 罐区三维仿真系统的设计 10

3.1.1 系统需求分析 10

3.1.2 系统开发环境 12

3.1.3 实现流程 12

3.2 技术难点和解决方案 13

3.2.1 场景视图 13

3.2.2 模型的导入 13

3.2.3 模型的布置 15

3.2.4 漫游视角的实现 16

3.2.5 碰撞系统 20

3.2.6 系统退出 21

3.3 系统实现的效果和特点 22

3.3.1 场景地形 22

3.3.2 天空盒及光源 23

3.3.3 视角切换 23

3.4 本章小结 27

第4章 总结与展望 28

4.1 总结 28

4.2 展望 28

参考文献 29

致谢 31

  1. 绪论


大型油罐区大多建在海边或河边。油轮、管道、油罐车等运输设施集中,危险化学品大量集中。它们是典型的高风险地区。在发生火灾和爆炸事故可能会形成一个连锁的灾害和事故,不仅终端设施,环境,人的生命和财产造成了严重危害, 爆炸事故和火灾救援应急过程通常会引发环境污染大规模等次生灾害事故,周围的城市迎来了更大的环境安全风险。国内信息化和应急响应系统的大规模建设和迅速发展,已经形成了应急管理信息化技术快速发展的环境。因此,迫切需要一种便捷、智能化、高效的训练演练和应急预案管理技术[1]。虚拟现实技术近些年迎来了迅速发展,在与各种产业结合时呈现不同效果,但不管在设计、安全和营销方面都殊途同归地起到巨大的帮助。油港罐区数字化、信息化大势所趋,安全管理和设计培训需求不断提升,而虚拟现实技术能够提供极大的帮助。


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