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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 油气储运工程 > 正文


 2021-03-21 21:16:26  

摘 要








The design is based on a given information on the geographical environment, a variety of finished oil products and the amount of transped. The whole tank area is divided into three areas, the gasoline tank area includes 89 # car steam, 92 # car steam, 95 # car steam, diesel tank area including -10 # light, 0 # light, 10 # light, hort as a basis for the conduct of a comprehensive depot design. In the process, so that the improvement of the knowledge of the consolidation, so that my knowledge of the application can be greatly improveavy oil tank The area includes full loss system oil, gasoline engine oil, diesel engine oil. All the oil is transported into the pipeline. Gasoline, diesel part of the transport by rail from the library, all oil through the water transport out of the library part. Diesel through the truck oil truck out of the library, the total loss of oil system, gasoline engine oil, diesel oil through the barrel out of the library.

The design consists of three parts: the text description part, calculation description part, drawing part.

The text description lists the design of the original data, and the oil depots, oil depots of the security technology were introduced, the overall layout plan, the process described.

Calculation of the part of the oil tank to determine the volume and the oil loading and unloading facilities calculation, the initial layout of the oil depot plan. Then calculate the pipe diameter, which is selected pump and check. Finally, the calculation of viscous oil storage tank heating and tank wall insulation layer calculation and fire and other related aspects of the calculation.

Drawing part of the drawings to reflect the design results of the key. At the same time to meet the existing work requirements, pay attention to long-term mechanism for the future expansion and development of oil depots leeway.

Key words: pum;oil depot;tank are;process design


第一章 绪论 1

第二章 文字说明书 3

2.1 设计的原始数据资料 3

2.1.1 油库设计的基础数据 3

2.1.2 油库库址及周边环境 4

2.1.3 油库气象条件 4

2.2 油库概论 5

2.2.1 油库的分类和职能 5

2.2.2 油库的分级和分区 5

2.2.3 国外油库技术简况 6

2.3 总图布置说明 6

2.3.1 总图布置原则 6

2.3.2 各分区的布置 7

2.4 工艺流程说明 7

2.4.1 制定工艺流程的原则 7

2.4.2 工艺流程说明 8

2.5 油库安全技术 8

2.5.1 防毒 8

2.5.2 防火防爆 8

2.5.3 油库消防技术 9

2.5.4 防雷 9

2.5.5 防静电 9

2.5.6 铁路油气回收系统 9

2.5.7 公路油气回收系统 10

第三章 计算说明书 12

3.1 油罐容积的确定 12

3.1.1 用周转系数法决定油罐设计容量 12

3.1.2 油罐类型个数和库容的确定 13

3.2 油品装卸设施计算 15

3.2.1 铁路装卸油鹤管数计算 15

3.2.2 铁路装卸栈桥长度的计算 16

3.2.3 铁路装卸作业线长度的计算 16

3.2.4 汽车油罐车装油鹤管的计算 16

3.2.5 油品桶装作业灌油栓的计算 17

3.2.6 仓库面积的计算 18

3.2.7 油品水运码头泊位数计算 18

3.3 管路的水力计算 21

3.3.1 吸入和排出管路管径的确定 21

3.4 选泵及校核 23

3.4.1 铁路扬程与流量计算 23

3.4.2 水路路扬程与流量计算 26

3.4.3 公路路扬程与流量计算。 27

3.4.4 水路油泵的选择及校核 28

3.5 储油罐加热与保温计算 28

3.5.1 油罐保温层厚度的计算 28

3.5.2 油罐加热器面积的计算 30

3.6 消防计算 34

3.6.1 泡沫计算耗量 35

3.6.2 泡沫产生器数量计算 35

3.6.3 泡沫液储备 35

3.6.4 泡沫液储备量 36

3.6.5 消防用水的耗量 37

3.6.6 消防水泵和泡沫泵的选取 38 消防水泵 38 消防水泵 38 所需比例混合器个数 39

3.6.7 计算储油罐区的防火堤 39

第四章 结论 42

参考文献 43

致谢 44

第一章 绪论




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