2020-04-25 19:47:20
摘 要
The Application of Bayes' Theorem in Machine Learning——Taking the Operational Risk of Commercial Banks as an Example
As the development of economic globalization accelerates, as a high-risk industry, the banking industry is increasingly important for the supervision and treatment of risks. One, and China's banking industry has not yet fully understood the operational risks.
The Bayesian network has a good knowledge representation framework, which can simplify the process of probabilistic inference calculation. In the risk operation management of commercial banks in China, using Bayesian network related knowledge, many probability dependencies can be derived. China's commercial banks realize the total branch system, the business behavior involves multiple levels, the probability of operational risk increases, and the difficulty of operational risk management increases. The head office cannot effectively supervise the subordinate organizations. Using the Bayesian network, through quantitative analysis, it is possible to conduct causal analysis and scenario analysis better, and focus on the management of the large-scale risk factors of operational risks in commercial banks in China.
First, understand the basic theory of Bayes' theorem, and sort out the existing Bayesian learning algorithms based on the related literatures, such as Bayesian network structure algorithm, Bayesian network parameter algorithm, etc., but for different problems, Different from the training data, hypothesis space, probability and other factors, the Bayesian learning algorithm used is also very different, for example: Bayesian optimal classifier algorithm given the available data, hypothesis space and the prior probability of the hypothesis In this case, the correct classification probability of the instance is maximized to obtain the best performance, but the posterior probability of each hypothesis is calculated when the algorithm is performed, which makes the algorithm expensive. At this time, an algorithm that replaces this shortcoming appears-- Gibbs algorithm.
Secondly, explain that the model based on Bayesian network can continuously improve the network structure and parameters and improve the risk through practice. Predictive ability, but at the same time, the application of Bayesian network requires a large amount of historical data and expert experience, while the historical data storage of commercial banks in China is extremely scarce. Therefore, based on excessive reliance on expert experience, the accuracy of prediction results will be generated. Greater deviation.
Then, using the commercial venture case of China Commercial Bank to establish a Bayesian network model and structure diagram, and data processing and result analysis to obtain the operational risks affecting Chinese commercial banks. The management of internal fraud can manage operational risk more effectively, and quantify the influencing factors of operational risk loss. Through the model, the percentage of fraud rate needs to be reduced.
Finally, it puts forward suggestions on the operational risk management of commercial banks in China, and strengthens the prevention, supervision and handling of operational risks by commercial banks.
Keywords: Bayesian network;Commercial Bank;operational risk;Internal Fraud
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 6
1.1研究背景及意义 6
1.2贝叶斯网络的起源与发展 6
1.3贝叶斯网络的研究现状 7
1.3.1国内对贝叶斯网络的研究现状 7
1.3.2国外对贝叶斯网络的研究现状 7
1.4贝叶斯网络的应用 8
1.5本文工作 8
第二章 贝叶斯网络的基本理论 9
2.1贝叶斯网络的描述 9
2.2贝叶斯网络的结构学习算法 10
2.2.1基于评分搜索的贝叶斯网络的结构学习算法 10
2.3贝叶斯网络的参数学习算法 12
2.3.1极大后验概率(MAP) 12
2.3.2最大似然估计 12
第三章 商业银行操作风险的基本理论 13
3.1操作风险的描述 13
3.2操作风险管理模型 14
第四章 基于贝叶斯网操作风险模型的建立及结果分析 15
4.1贝叶斯网络模型的建立 15
4.1.1贝叶斯网络模型建立步骤 15
4.1.2贝叶斯网络模型变量选择 15
4.2数据处理 16
4.3贝叶斯网络结构学习 17
4.4贝叶斯网络参数学习 17
4.5贝叶斯网络推断结果 18
第五章 结论与建议 20
参考文献 20
致谢 21
附录 21
- 绪论
机器学习是一类涉及了多种专业知识且覆盖了多个领域的交叉学科,人工智能专业的核心内容即为机器学习。近年来,机器学习被广泛应用于多个领域,例如:用于检测信用卡交易以防止欺诈事件发生的数据挖掘程序,以及用于获取用户信息,过滤并筛选用户阅读兴趣的系统等,机器学习成为国内外智能系统专家研究的热点,其中,最为重要的也是机器学习的核心内容就是贝叶斯网络,而贝叶斯网络是对于具有未知性的知识进行分析表示和合理推断的更高效的理论模型,是最具代表性的智能信息处理模型之一。1988年美国加州大学Judea Pearl教授在对拓扑结构图和变量条件独立之间关系深入研究的基础上,最先提出贝叶斯网络。贝叶斯网络将概率统计的思想融合到图论的结构中,是由有向无环图描述的概率模型。
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