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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 数学与应用数学 > 正文


 2020-04-25 19:41:50  

摘 要





A fractional order Laplace equation with an indeterminate nonlinear term on an interval


This paper studies the existence of positive solutions of a fractional-order equation with an indeterminate nonlinear term on the interval under the theoretical framework of the fractional order space and the fractional order operator.

First, we need to apply a basic inequality to obtain the corresponding weak extremum principle through transformation, then the equation of Laplace of fractional order is deduced. Then, through mathematical induction and other methods, we can establish the lemma corresponding to this equation. By using the spectral theory of the fractional order operator, the conditions which the parameters in this equation should satisfy are calculated; Finally, by using the upper and lower solutions of the equation obtained above, all the parameters of the equation with solutions can be found to form an interval. By means of variational method and reduction by contradiction, the existence of positive solutions of a fractional order Laplace equation with an indeterminate nonlinear term on the interval is obtained.

By means of variational method, lemma, upper and lower solution method and regularization analysis method, the existence of positive solutions of a fractional order Laplace equation with non-deterministic and non-linear term on the interval can be obtained.

Keywords: fractional space; Laplace equation of fractional order; Existence of positive solution; Upper and lower solutions

目 录

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 课题背景 1

1.2 分数阶方程的研究现状及分析 1

1.3 研究内容 5

第二章 预备知识 7

2.1 分数阶方程算子 7

2.2 分数阶方程的泛函分析基础 7

2.2.1 连续映射 8

2.2.2 范数和赋范线性空间 8

2.2.3 有界线性算子概念 9

2.2.4 强收敛与弱收敛 10

2.2.5 内积和希尔伯特空间 10

2.3 分数阶方程的泛函框架 11

2.4 本章小结 13

第三章 区间上一类带有不定非线性项的分数阶方程 15

3.1 引言 15

3.2 极值原理、上下解方法及引理 16

3.3 正解的存在性 22

3.4 本章小结 26

参考文献 27

致 谢 - 1 -

第一章 绪论

1.1 课题背景


后来随着偏微分方程理论的进一步地发展和完善,使得分数阶算子重新受到国内外许多数学研究者的广泛关注,使得分数阶算子得以完善进而被广泛的应用,正因如此,许多研究学者也纷纷开始从事微分方程的基础理论研究,并且对分数阶微分方程的方法和理论进行了总结 [[1],[2]]。现在分数阶算子在许多领域中都有着广泛的运用而且还起着重要的作用,比如在无穷小稳定扩散过程,等离子的反常扩散运动等,而且分数阶算子在概率和金融数学之中也起着十分重要的作用,关于这方面更多的研究请看文献[[3],[4]]。

1.2 分数阶方程的研究现状及分析



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