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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 数学与应用数学 > 正文


 2022-07-18 22:16:57  


摘 要




关键字:特征值 微分代数方程 等式约束 Euler方法 信赖域技术 稳态解 瑞利商梯度流

The method of Rayleigh gradient flow to solve symmetric matrix eigenvalue problem


Eigenvalue problem is a main research field of the theory of matrix, it has important theoretical significance and practical value to have the research .Many scientific and engineering problems such as natural frequency analysis of structural mechanics and the stability of control system problems are translated into eigenvalue problem eventually.

The article mainly has a research on the smallest eigenvalue problem and its eigenvector.it gives a new continuous method for this problem based on the dynamical system of differential-algebraic equations.First, we convert the smallest eigenvalue problem into an equivalent equality- constrained optimization problem.Second,fromtheKarush–Kuhn–Tucker conditions for this optimization problem,we obtain a variant of the Rayleigh quotient gradient flow,which is formulated by a dynamical system of DAEs. we get the steady state solution, and proved that the steady state solution of the dynamical system is equivalent to the smallest eigenvalues of a symmetric matrix feature vector.Lastly,using the implicit Euler method , and a projection technique,and an analogous trust-region technique as the time-stepping strategy, we construct a practical method to follow this special dynamical system to compute a steady-state solution, and consequently obtain the smallest eigenvalue of symmetric matrix.

Finally We also analyze the local superlinear property for this new method, and present the promising numerical results, in comparison with other methods.By using Matlab software we get the numerical experiment form and the required data,from these forms and datas we find that the

method of Rayleigh quotient gradient flow is consistant with other methods within the scope of permissible error.What is more,it indicats that this method in some cases is more convenient and practical than other methods.

At the last of this article we give the conclusion for the method of Rayleigh quotient gradient flow。

Key words:

Eigenvalues;Differential algebraic equations;Equality constraint;Euler method;Trust region technique;The steady state solution; Rayleigh quotient gradient flow.

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 引言 1

第二章 预备知识 3

2.1 等式约束优化问题 3

2.2 求解微分代数方程 5

第三章 求解矩阵最小特征值的瑞利商梯度流方法 7

3.1 瑞利商梯度流方法 7

3.2 瑞利商梯度流方法与DRQGF方法的比较 10

3.3 瑞利商梯度流与DRQGF方法的算法 11

第四章 数值实验 13

第五章 结论与建议 17

参考文献 18

致谢 21

第一章 引言


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