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 2022-07-14 22:56:56  


摘 要

分位数回归(Quantile Regression)是继普通最小二乘(OLS)回归后发展起来的一种新的回归方法。它通过建立解释变量在不同分位数(例如0.2分位数、0.5分位、0.9分位数等)下对被解释变量的回归估计模型,能全面分析、考察解释变量对被解释变量的影响,较之于普通最小二乘法的均值估计分析更全面。另一方面,与传统的普通最小二乘法(OLS)相比,分位数回归方法对随机扰动项的约束条件较低,从而使得它的应用更广泛。目前,该方法已经广泛应用于经济、医学、环境科学等方面。但是从以往的实证研究中发现:用分位数回归模型进行估计时,有的样本数据能给出不同分位点的估计值的显著性报告,有的样本数据则不能给出较低或较高分位点的估计值的显著性报告,如果不能得到估计系数的显著性报告,分位数回归将失去意义。由于分位数回归的广泛应用,因此研究是什么原因导致这一结果的产生将是一件十分有意义的工作。





Explore the significance test questions of quantile regression coefficients


Quantile regression is a regression method after new ordinary least squares(OLS) regression to develop. It is through the establishment of the explanatory variables at different quantiles (egs 0.2 points, 0.5 points, 0.9 points, etc.) are explanatory variables for regression estimation model can fully analyze, investigate the impact of the explanatory variables are the explanatory variables , compared to ordinary least squares mean estimate of a more comprehensive analysis. On the other hand, compared with the traditional ordinary least squares (OLS), the lower quantile regression constraints on random disturbance, making it more widely. Currently, the method has been widely used in economics, medicine, environmental science and other aspects. However, from previous empirical research found: When using quantile regression model estimates, and some sample data can give significantly different estimates of the reporting sites, and some sample data can not be given lower or higher than significant score report estimates sites, if you can not get significant report estimated coefficients, quantile regression would be meaningless. Because of the widespread application of quantile regression, so the research is what causes this result will be a very meaningful work.

Firstly, the principle of quantile regression of the sort, and the use of the principle of weighted least absolute deviation method quantile regression coefficient estimates programming, parameter estimation results thus obtained quantile regression.

Secondly, the design process parameters were estimated from significant test, observations and theoretical analysis of quantile regression coefficients can be given why some significant test report and some can not. The results showed that, when carried out according to the procedures we provide estimates significant test quantile regression coefficients theoretically sample size and no strict requirement, but in small samples, because the data variation is too small, resulting in a significant factor test meaningless. This also makes it clear why the test results significantly Eviews statistical software in small samples do not give the regression coefficients.

Finally, use the Monte Carlo experiments to do further examination for results of our these inferred. By using randomly generated data compiled program to do the regression and the calculated results with Eviews software comparison obtained:In the large sample case, the programmed significant test results obtained with Eviews software operation is the same; In the small sample Eviews software can not give high significance test report low scores sites, we compiled program can be significant test report, but a greater variation in the results.

Keywords: quantile regression,significant test,Monte Carlo experiment


摘要 I


第一章 引言 1

1.1 选题目的和意义 1

1.2 国内外相关研究 1

1.3 本文的研究方法及创新点 3

第二章 分位数回归原理概述 3

2.1 分位数和分位数函数 3

2.2 分位数回归模型 4

2.3 分位数回归估计 5

第三章 分位数回归参数估计——加权最小绝对偏差法 5

3.1 基本理论 5

3.1.1 一些说明 5

3.1.2 一些定理和引理 6

3.2 算法步骤 6

3.3 数据检验 8

第四章 显著性检验——自举法(Bootstrap Method) 9

4.1 理论概述 9

4.1.1显著性检验的理论概述 9

4.1.2自举法理论概述 9

4.1.3 一些说明 9

4.2 数据检验 9

4.3 原因分析 10

4.4 蒙特卡洛方法介绍 10

4.4.1 蒙特卡洛方法概述 10

4.4.2 蒙特卡洛方法基本思想 11

4.5 蒙特卡洛实验 11

第五章 结论与进一步研究方向 15

参考文献 16

附录 17

致谢 21

第一章 引言

1.1 选题目的和意义

统计研究是指运用统计方法对实际问题进行研究分析。各种统计方法目前已经应用于各行各业,其中最小二乘回归方法应用最为广泛,但是最小二乘回归方法只能给出解释变量对被解释变量的一个平均影响,并不能知道解释变量在不同层面上对被解释变量的影响, 并且最小二乘回归方法要求随机扰动项服从均值为零并且同方差的正态分布,但是在现实生活中,这样的要求往往不能够被满足,这时最小二乘估计的稳健性将会变得非常差。而分位数回归方法则弥补了这缺陷,能全面解释自变量对因变量的影响,减弱了拟合时随机扰动项的约束条件。


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