2022-03-26 17:51:03
摘 要
Using the Newton iterative method for solving nonlinear eigenvalue problems
Most nonlinear eigenvalue problem for obtaining accurate characteristic values is very difficult, even impossible to determine the exact root. Thus, for such problems, looking for a simple and practical method of numerical calculation is a problem in today's mathematical research which urgently need to be addressed. Newton iterative method that is Newton Larson iteration method is an approximate method for solving equations, the method proposed by the Newton in the 17th century. Recursive new value can continue to use the old value of the variable according to Newton's iterative method to calculate the need for iterative solution of many equations. In this paper, the research by Newton iterative method for solving nonlinear eigenvalue problems, and use actual case matrix eigenvalue problem to verify the feasibility of Newton iteration method to solve such problems, the theoretical study of Newton iteration method and nonlinear characteristics solve the problem of providing a theoretical reference value.
Firstly, we study various solutions to today's existing nonlinear eigenvalue problem, including projection, inverse iteration method and Newton's method, and a simple analysis of the principle and the advantages and disadvantages of each method; Secondly, nonlinear eigenvalue the problem is difficult to solve, this paper proposes a nonlinear eigenvalue problem into an equivalent problem of nonlinear equations, Newton iterative method in order to facilitate the realization of the program is running, and the numerical solution. Require special attention are: Newton iterative method biggest advantage in that it can quickly obtain important roots of the equation by an iterative, complex roots and Newton iterative method, there are some disadvantages, such as the Newton iteration method to solve a problem selected to be close to the initial value equation the solution, if the solution of the initial value and the selected equation too far, it may result in less than the solution process of convergence, in addition, Newton iterative method to calculate than larger, when solving complex equations needed on the basis of each iteration except the calculated function values calculated derivative values.
Finally, the use of MATLAB software for the Newton iterative method of running the software, through practical cases to more clearly reveal the works of Newton's method, for the future of mathematics learning is also a big help.
Key words: Newton iterative method; nonlinear equations; nonlinear eigenvalue、eigenvector
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 引言 1
1.1研究背景及意义 1
1.2研究现状 1
1.3研究内容及研究方法 3
第二章 模型方法概述 4
2.1迭代投影法 4
2.1.1非线性有理Krylov法 4
2.1.2精化投影法 4
2.1.3非线性Arnoldi法 5
2.2逆迭代法 6
2.2.1逆迭代 6
2.2.2残量逆迭代 6
2.3牛顿迭代发基本思想及迭代原理 7
2.3.1牛顿法的迭代公式 8
2.3.2牛顿迭代法的几何解析 8
2.3.3牛顿法的改进——弦截法 9
第三章 牛顿迭代法解非线性特征值问题 11
3.1特征值问题的非线性转化 11
3.1.1线性特征值 11
3.1.2非线性法 12
3.2使用牛顿迭代法的准备工作 14
3.2.1确定迭代变量 14
3.2.2建立迭代关系式 14
3.2.3对迭代过程进行控制 14
3.3牛顿迭代法的优点及缺点 14
第四章 数值实验 16
附录 18
参考文献 24
致 谢 26
1.1 研究背景及意义
在世界科学技术和电子计算机经历日新月异的发展的今天,数学计算已经完全融入到了人类的生活当中,无论是科学计算、工程建模还是化工生产,都需要各种不同的数值计算方法来提供帮助。当人们运用数学来作为工具解决生活中遇到的各种问题或现象时,大部分的问题都可以被转化为对非线性特征值问题,即T(λ)x=0 问题的求解。因此,在当今科学及工程领域,解决此类大规模 非线性特征值问题已经成为了人类不可避免的基本问题。
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