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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 数学与应用数学 > 正文


 2022-01-19 21:54:32  


摘 要


关键词:相似性原理, 泰勒公式, 帕德逼近, 极值点判别, 函数逼近, 常微分方程

Principle of Similarity and Application of Taylor Formula


Many theories and methods are based on the similarity among objective things, phenomena and processes. In many mathematical problems such as the application of Taylor formula,extreme point discrimination,corner deflection, function approximation and interpolation, the similarity principle has been well embodied. For example, why from 1? Can a curve image of the whole function be drawn after a single point has been continuously deriving? I think if the trend of the curve can predict and estimate the approximate position of the next point on the curve, then the trend of the curve can more accurately predict the location of the next point. These languages can be expressed mathematically. We know that the first derivative is the slope of a tangent passing through a point on a curve. But it is limited to locating the next adjacent point in only one of the two ranges, so we need to derive twice. The second derivative represents the change trend of the tangent of the target point, i.e. the concave and convex of the curve. For concave functions, the second derivative is positive. For convex function, the second derivative is negative, so the slope of tangent will be smaller and smaller. Through the commonness of these mathematical problems, we can find their similarity principle to solve the problem. This paper takes similarity principle as the research subject, focusing on Taylor formula theory and function approximation, ordinary differential equation, space. The Law of Similarity Principle in Mathematical Problems Related to Geometry.

Key words: Similarity Principle; Taylor Formula; Pade Approximation; Extreme Point Discrimination; Function Approximation; Ordinary Differential Equations

目 录

摘 要 I


第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究目的与意义 1

1.2 相似性原理的相关问题的研究历史与现状 1

1.3 论文的结构安排 2

第二章 泰勒公式及插值问题 3

2.1 泰勒公式 3

2.1.1 一元函数的泰勒展开式 3

2.1.2 多元函数的泰勒展开式 3

2.2 埃尔米特插值 4

第三章 极值点判别 5

3.1 极值问题 5

3.2 极值点判别 5

3.2.1 极值点判别之必要条件 5

3.2.2 极值存在的充分条件 6

第四章 函数逼近问题 8

4.1 函数逼近 8

4.2 帕德逼近[2] 8

第五章 常微分方程 13

5.1 单步法 13

5.2 RKF方法(RKF45) 15

参考文献 17

致 谢 19

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究目的与意义



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