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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 数学与应用数学 > 正文


 2022-01-17 21:02:37  


摘 要

在人类各种身体机理活动中,钙离子是不可缺少的重要角色之一。在神经传导、 肌肉的收缩扩张、维持细胞膜两侧的生理学电位等生理活动中发挥巨大作用。在人体细胞的生理活动中,钙离子是广泛存在的第二信使,控制着几乎所有的生命过程,它的生理特性也体现了某些激素的作用机制。在处理神经信息的过程中起着至关重要的作用的神经元,是神经系统的基本结构和功能单元。虽然神经系统各有特点,但其中大部分神经元都具有非常多相似的特征:如其中各种离子通道、生理活动中丰富的非线性现象以及作为传递生物信息载体的膜电位等。神经信息主要依赖神经元各种丰富的放电节律进行编码,因此研究人体神经细胞通过内在参数变化或外部激励条件改变时所展现出来的放电节律模式以及其中各种模式之间的相互转迁就有着非常重要的意义。


关键词:钙离子 神经传导 浓度 细胞信号网络

Neuronal discharge activity based on calcium channel subunits


Calcium ions are indispensable ions of various physiological activities of the body. It maintains normal nerve conduction function by maintaining the biopotentials on both sides of the cell membrane. Maintaining normal muscle expansion and relaxation and neuro-muscular conduction, as well as some hormones, are expressed by calcium ions, which act as a second messenger that exists throughout the cell and controls almost all life processes.

Although the nervous system has its own characteristics, most of its neurons have many similar characteristics: such as various ion channels, abundant nonlinear phenomena in physiological activities, and membrane potential as a carrier for transmitting biological information. The neural information mainly depends on the various discharge rhythms of the neurons to encode. Therefore, it is very important to study the discharge rhythm patterns exhibited by human neural cells through changes in internal parameters or external excitation conditions, and the mutual transition between various modes.

Based on the biological background of calcium signal, this paper first introduces the mathematical method of constructing the calcium ion signal network model, including biochemical reaction modeling, parameter fitting, etc.; then simulates the change of calcium density and kinetic behavior by software, and the calcium density is affected by IP3. The influence of density, in which the density of IP3 is in the form of parameters, the change of density is expressed by the differential equation model, and the influence of the dynamic change of density on the calcium density is investigated. A coupling model including membrane potential, calcium ion density and density was established to simulate its changes and kinetics. Finally, we propose to further study the modeling of calcium signal-related cell signal networks in the future.

Key Words: calcium ions;nerve conduction; density;cell signaling network


第一章 引言 5

1.1研究目的及意义 5

1.2研究相关背景 6

1.3本文的研究方法及创新点 7

第二章 预备知识 8

2.1神经动力学中的基本概念 8

2.2神经元分岔 8

2.3电压门控型钙通道 9

2.4钙离子振荡产生的机制 9

2.5钙离子振荡的生物学意义 10

第三章 模型描述 12

3.1钙离子亚基通道 12

3.1.1电压依赖性的通道激活与失活 12

3.1.2三磷酸肌醇受体通道 12

3.1.3钙依赖性失活与钙依赖性易化作用 12

3.1.4质膜振荡器方程 13

3.2全室模型中由ER驱动的爆发 14

3.3数值模拟及分析 16

3.4本章小结 22

结论与建议 23

参考文献 24

致谢 27

第一章 引言



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