2020-06-27 19:36:39
1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求
课题内容包括: (1)对已有关于个人信用风险评价和贝叶斯网络模型的文献进行综述; (2)深入研究贝叶斯网络模型方法的基本原理和统计性质; (3)通过自编程序或选择合适的统计软件,研究贝叶斯网络方法的实现过程; (4)搜集P2P网络信贷平台的借款人信息,构建贝叶斯网络模型,给出研究结论; 论文要求 总要求:论文结构清楚,重点突出,格式规范,内容翔实,文笔流畅,基本假设要合理,数学推导要严密,多使用图表,严禁抄袭,10000字左右。
具体要求: (1)要求阅读与该课题相关的文献至少15篇,其中包含1~2篇英文参考文献; (2)了解该课题的国内外研究动态; (3)理论联系实际,提出解决该课题的相关对策,突出创新点; (4)观点正确,内容翔实,说理充分; (5)结构清晰,文字通畅。
2. 参考文献
[1] agrawal a. k. ,c. catalini and a. goldfarb,2011,”the geography of crowdfunding,”nbeR working paper no.16820. [2] freedman s. ,g. z. jin,2008,”do social networks solve information problems for peer-to-peer lending? evidence from prosper.com,”net institute working paper no. 08-43. [3] freedman s. ,g. z. jin,2014,”the information value of online social networks: lessons from peer-to-peer lending,”nbeR working paper no. 19820. [4] herzenstein m. ,u. m. dholakia and R. andrews,2011,”strategic herding behavior in peer-to-peer loan auctions”,journal of interactive marketing,25(1): 27-36. [5] pope d. g. ,j. R sydnor,2011,”what#8217;s in a picture? evidence of discrimination from prosper.com,”journal of human Resources,46(1): 53-92. [6] iyer R. ,a. i. khwaja and e. f. p. luttmer et al. ,2009,”screening in new credit markets: can individual lenders in#183; 0 4 #183; fer borrower creditworthiness in peer-to-peer lending?,”afa 2011 denver meetings paper. [7] kawai k. ,k. onishi and k. uetake,unobserved Risk type and sorting:signaling in online credit markets,available at ssRn 2188693. [8] koller d. ,n. friedman,2009,probabilisticgraphical models: principles and and techniques,mit press. [9] la ferrara e. ,2003,”kin groups and Reciprocity: a model of credit transactions in ghana,”american economic Review,93(5):1730-1751 [10] larrimore l. ,l. jiang,j. and larrimore,et al. ,2011,”peer to peer lending: the Relationship between language features,trustworthiness,and persuasion success”journal of applied communication Research,39(1): 19-37. [11] lin m. ,n. R. prabhala and s. viswanathan,2009,”can social networks help mitigate information asymmetry in online markets?,”icis 2009 proceeding,202. [12] lin m. ,n. R. prabhala and s. viswanathan,2009,”judging borrowers by the company they keep: social networks and adverse selection in online peer-to-peer lendin”,ssRn elibrary. [13] michels j. ,2012,”do unverifiable disclosures matter? evidence from peer-to-peer lending,”the accounting Review,87(4): 1385-1413. [14] pearl b. j. ,1984,”probabilistic Reasoning in intelligent systems: networks of plausible inference,”morgan kaufmann. [15] puro l. ,j. e. teich and h. wallenius et al. ,2011,”bidding strategies for Real-life small loan auctions,”decision support systems,51(1): 31-41. [16] 李悦雷,郭阳,张维,2013,”中国 p2p 小额贷款市场借贷成功率影响因素分析”,《金融研究》,第 7 期,第 126-138页。
[17] 王会娟,廖理,2014,”中国 p2p 网络借贷平台信用认证机制研究#8212;#8212;#8212;来自”人人贷#8217;的经验证据”,《中国工业经济》,第 4 期,第 136-147 页。
[18] 廖理,李梦然,王正位,2014,”聪明的投资者:非完全市场化利率与风险识别#8212;#8212;#8212;来自 p2p 网络借贷的证据”,《经济研究》,第 7 期,第 125-137 页。
3. 毕业设计(论文)进程安排
第1-2周 收集资料,熟悉课题 第3-4周 查阅文献,研究课题,开题报告 第5-10周 论文初稿撰写 第11-13 周毕业论文修改整理 第14周 定稿打印,答辩准备 第15周 论文答辩
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