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毕业论文网 > 任务书 > 理工学类 > 数学与应用数学 > 正文


 2020-06-06 09:51:25  

1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求





2. 参考文献

1. XIE Hui-qing,DAI Hua. Derivatives of repeated eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors of damped systems. 应用数学与力学,2007,28(6). 2. CARL S. RUDISILL, YEE-YEEN CHU. Numerical Methods for Evaluating the Derivatives of Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors. AIAA Journal, Vol. 13, No. 6 (1975), 834-837. 3. Pingxin Wang, Hua Dai. Calculation of eigenpair derivatives for symmetric quadratic eigenvalue problem with repeated eigenvalues. 2016,35(1),17-28. 4. Adelman HM, Haftka RT. Sensitivity analysis of discrete structural system. AIAA J , 1986, 24:823#8211;832. 5. Andrew AL, Tan RCE. Iterative computation of derivatives of repeated eigenvalues and the corresponding eigenvectors. Numer Linear Algebra Appl ,2000, 7 : 151#8211;167. 6. Adhikari S, Friswell MI . Eigenderivative analysis of asymmetric non-conservative systems. Int J Numer Method Eng, 2000, 51:709#8211;733. 7. Mills-Curran WC . Calculation of eigenvector derivatives for structures with repeated eigenvalues. AIAA J, 1988, 26:867#8211;871. 8. Qian J, Andrew AL, Chu D, Tan RCE .Computing derivatives of repeated eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors of quadratic eigenvalue problems. SIAM J Matrix Anal Appl ,2013, 34:1089#8211;1111.

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3月-4月上旬 论文的理论部分讨论。

4月中下旬 论文的数值计算的实现。

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