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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 新能源科学与工程 > 正文


 2022-01-09 22:07:02  


摘 要

风电主轴轴承是风力发电机组的关键部件之一。风电机组一般在工作在荒野、山地、海上,天气恶劣, 载荷变化大,这对风电主轴轴承的性能提出了很高的要求。风电主轴轴承的性能是风电机组能否长久运行的重要指标。为了研发高性能的主轴轴承,需建立风电主轴轴承试验台对研发样品进行载荷测试和状态监测。本设计旨在建立风电主轴轴承试验台液压加载控制系统。经过对比分析,本设计采用灵活方便的外总线控制系统,以PLC作为下位机,IPC作为上位机,采用以太网总线传输信号,并完成了硬件选型、电路设计和软件开发。具体工作如下:








Wind power main-shaft bearings are one of the key components of wind turbines. Wind turbines work in the field for a long period of time, the environment is harsh, and the load changes greatly, which places high requirements on the performance of wind power main-shaft bearings. The performance of wind turbine main shaft bearings is an important indicator of whether the wind turbine can operate for a long time. In order to develop high-performance main shaft bearings, it is necessary to establish a wind power main-shaft bearing test bench to carry out load testing and condition monitoring of the developed samples. This design aims to establish a hydraulic loading control system for the wind power main-shaft bearing test bench. After comparative analysis, this design uses a flexible and convenient external bus control system, with PLC as the lower computer, IPC as the upper computer, and RS485 bus to transmit signals, and completes hardware selection, circuit design and software development. The specific work is as follows.

(1) Systematic research on the development status of the wind power industry and the wind power main-shaft bearing test bench at home and abroad. Foreign countries mainly include Germany FAG and Sweden SKF, which have manufactured the world's leading large-scale wind power spindle bearing test benches. Domestically, there are pitch bearing test benches manufactured by Luoyang Bearing and Wafangdian Bearing.

(2) Demonstration of control system plan. The system design requirements and software functions are analyzed, with hydraulic loading as the control object, based on principles of the measurement and control system. From the input / output type, CPU type, bus mode, software platform, etc. Three types of control systems were designed. Finally, an external bus measurement and control system with high reliability, flexible expansion, and simple installation and debugging was selected. IPC was selected as the upper computer. PLC was selected as the lower computer.

(3) The hardware selection of the control system is completed. Taking the ultimate load of 3MW wind turbine as the object, the pressure sensor, proportional relief valve, electromagnetic directional valve, motor, soft starter, IPC, PLC were selected through calculation, and the system circuit wiring diagram was designed.

(4) Completed the control system software design. The function that the system needs to realize is analyzed, the lower computer program is developed based on STEPT-7, and the PID control of the hydraulic loading system is realized.

The control system completes the hydraulic loading control of the wind power main-shaft bearing test bench. The hardware and software system constructed according to the requirements is flexible and easy to program and can meet the load loading test requirements of wind power main-shaft bearings.

key words:control、PLC、hydraulic loading、wind turbine main-shaft bearing


摘要 I


第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景及课题意义 1

1.2风电主轴轴承及其失效形式 1

1.2.1风电主轴轴承 1

1.2.2风电主轴轴承失效形式 3

1.3风电主轴轴承试验台国内外发展现状 3

1.3.1风电主轴轴承试验台国内发展现状 3

1.3.2风电主轴轴承试验台国外发展现状 4

1.4液压加载控制技术 5

1.5研究内容及技术路线 6

第二章 试验台控制系统方案论证 7

2.1风电主轴轴承试验台基本原理 7

2.1.1风电主轴轴承试验台组成 7

2.2系统输入输出来源分析 7

2.2.1控制系统功能分析 7

2.2.2液压系统功能分析 9

2.3测控系统设计原理 10

2.3.1控制器分析 10

2.3.2总线方式分析 12

2.4试验台总体方案确定 14

2.5小结 15

第三章 试验台液压加载控制系统硬件选型 16

3.1硬件电路功能分析 16

3.2元器件硬件选型 16

3.2.1 IPC选型 16

3.2.2 PLC选型 18

3.2.3压力传感器 21

3.2.4比例溢流阀 24

3.2.5电磁换向阀 26

3.2.6电机 29

3.2.7软启动器 30

3.2.8中间继电器 32

3.2.9开关电源 32

3.2.10 空气开关 32

3.3液压系统测控电路设计 32

3.4其他控制回路设计 33

3.5控制电柜设计 33

3.6小结 34

第四章 试验台控制软件设计 35

4.1软件功能分析 35

4.2PLC软件设计 35

4.2.2 PLC软件控制流程分析 35

4.2.3 PLC软件功能的实现 36

4.3软件使用说明 38

4.4小结 39

第五章 经济性分析 40

结语 41

参考文献 42

致谢 44

附件 45

第一章 绪论


全球化石能源即将消耗殆尽及环境污染问题日益突显,新能源的开发与应用越来越受到世界各国的重视。发展以风电为代表的可再生能源,已成为世界各国应对未来能源和气候变化压力的长期策略[1]。多国在风力发电设备的研发和利用领域投入了大量资金和人力。风电在国际能源结构中的占比越来越大。根据国际能源局报告,到 2050 年全球风力发电占电力供应比例将会达到12%[2]。风力发电是所有新能源中技术成熟度仅次于水利发电,最具商业化发展空间的发电方式[3],有望在2025年实现风电平价。我国风力资源丰富,经30多年的发展,我国已经成为世界上风力发电装机总容量最大的国家,涌现了一批行业领先的风电整机制造厂商。风力发电机组主轴轴承运行环境恶劣,所受载荷随机变化的特点使其成为风机中的主要故障点之一[4]。而且主轴轴承一般在几十甚至上百米的高空中工作,一旦出现损坏,将会产生高昂的维修费用,所以主轴轴承必须具有很高的可靠性 [5]。风电机组维护成本高是导致风电价格高于火电的一个重要因素,在风电的单位电价中机组的维护成本占有一定比例,陆上风电的运维成本占单位电价的10%~15%,海上风电的运维成本则占到 25%-30%[6]。因此,建立风电主轴轴承实验台,在主轴轴承安装之前,对主轴轴承进行故障监测和诊断技术的研究对提升风电设备的运作效率、降低维修成本具有积极的现实意义。





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