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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 新能源科学与工程 > 正文


 2022-01-09 21:49:32  


摘 要





The design and thermal performance discussion of solar high temperature receiver


High-temperature solar recivers are critcal components of solar thermal transfer system. The efficiency is affected by the different types of reciver structure and size parameters. The design of solar recivers is an important research direction in the field of solar energy application.

In this paper, a foam metal volumetric solar reciver with air as heat transfer fluid was designed, the structure of which could be divided into two layers with circular fins in external wall of inner cylinder. Double layer foam metal was arranged in the cavityas the main heat transfer area for better thermal transfer efficiency. JGS1 type quartz glass was used as optical window, and it was sealed by graphite pad and flange. The size of cavityas and air tube were obtained by analysing heat transfer. Then calculated by analysing the reciver performance, the absorptivity of the system and heat loss were figured out. A 1MW absorber generation system was constructed, and the economic benefits were analyzed.

The results show that the internal heat absorptivity of the reciver designed in this paper is 81.61%, and the total heat conversion efficiency of the system can reach 62.9%. The absorber designed by Jiang Zhaowu, University of Chinese Academy of Science, has a heat absorption of 80.6% under the same working condition, and the efficiency of the absorber designed in this paper has been improved. The absorptivity of the system is related to the distance between the foam metal and the optical window. The larger the distance is, the closer the absorptivity of the system is to blackbody. In addition, the thermal efficiency of the system is related to the diameter of the reciver. The larger the collector diameter is, the more heat the system loses. The heat loss of foam metal and sidewall is 997.78W, which is 56.8% of the total heat loss. The thermal transfer efficiency of the system can be further improved by reducing reflaction loss of collecting mirror, improving light transmittance of optical window or heat-insulating ability. The investmen of power generation system is 10.966 years back to the current period, with average economic benefits.

Key words: Solar thermal utilization; Volumetric reciver; Foam metal; Structural design

目 录

摘 要 1

Abstract 2

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.2 容积式太阳能集热器研究 1

1.2.1集热器结构研究 2

1.2.2聚集器聚光特性研究 3

1.2.3 泡沫金属传热研究 3

第二章 容积式太阳能集热器设计 5

2.1集热器形式和多孔介质选择 5

2.2入光窗口 5

2.3集热器结构模型 6

2.4管道尺寸 8

2.5集热器腔体尺寸 9

第三章 集热器热效率分析 12

3.1入光窗口热损失 13

3.2后端盖热损失 14

3.3泡沫金属和侧壁面热损失 14

3.4热损失和效率 16

第四章 经济性分析 17

4.1集热器发电系统经济性评估 17

4.2生产差成本和人工费评估 17

第五章 结论与展望 19

5.1 结论 19

5.2展望 19

参考文献 21

致谢 23

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究背景及意义




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