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基于JAVA EE 《中兴软件供应链系统》的供应链系统研究毕业论文

 2020-05-22 21:00:04  

摘 要


本组课题是通过研究中兴软件供应链,基于JAVA EE,合作完成《中兴软件供应链系统》,此系统我们选择了Eclipse为系统开发工具、利用MySQL作为后台数据库。本文主要负责《中兴软件供应链系统》的供应链系统研究部分,以及主要负责对供应链中各模块的研究,模块为系统管理模块、采购信息管理模块、库存信息管理模块、查询统计模块。本文首先介绍了供应链系统的开发背景、社会需求、现实意义以及目前所暴露的问题;其次介绍了我们研究的课题中兴软件供应链;再次,对系统的方案进行设计;然后设计详细的系统。最后,总结设计过程并对此项目大胆展望。

关键词:中兴 供应链系统 Eclipse MySQL.

Research on "Supply chain system of ZTE software"

supply chain system based on Jave EE


With the change of the times, the competition of the commercial market is more and more fierce. Entrepreneurs have found that the relationship between the enterprise and the enterprise is more and more ordinary. Peter Drucker once said, the rise of a single enterprise development era has come to an end, a number of enterprises and development is the advent of the era. Therefore, Creative thought, the thought of supply chain management arises at the historic moment. Supply chain management can not only integrate enterprise resources together, and the efficiency of enterprises, income doubling and even help the enterprise long-term, high amplitude, development. The rapid development of the supply chain management is inseparable from the rapid development of communication technology, especially the Internet, electric business development has brought opportunities and the improvement of this a series of technology for supply chain management rapid development laid the foundation. Enterprise supply chain business includes procurement, sales, inventory and quality management personnel procurement, sales, warehousing, quality management and inventory accounting, warehousing and inventory management, etc..

The research group is by ZTE software supply chain research, based on Java EE and cooperate to complete the Zhongxing software supply chain system, the system we choose the eclipse for system development tools, using MySQL as the background database. This paper is mainly responsible for the Zhongxing software supply chain system of supply chain systems research, and is responsible for research in each module of the supply chain, the module for system management module, purchasing information management module, inventory management module, query statistics module. This paper first introduces the supply chain system development background, social demand, practical significance and the exposure of the problem; followed by the introduction of the subject of our research Zhongxing software supply chain; again, the system scheme design. Then we design system in detail. At last, summarize the design process and look for the project.

Key words: ZTE; supply chain system;Eclipse;MySQL.


摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1开发背景 1

1.2社会需求 2

1.3现实意义 3

1.4现阶段供应链所暴露的问题 3

1.5主要工作 4

第二章 中兴供应链 6

2.1供应链 6

2.1.1供应链的简述 6

2.1.2供应链管理的简述 6

2.1.3供应链管理的支持技术 6

2.2中兴供应链整体概述 7

2.2.1中兴供应链公司介绍 7

2.2.2中兴供应链布局图 7

2.2.3中兴供应链的市场竞争优势 8

第三章 系统方案设计 11

3.1设计方案的论证 11

3.1.1设计方案的选择 11

3.1.2设计工具的选择 12

3.2设计方案的说明 13

3.2.1系统整体描述 13

3.2.2系统预期目标 13

3.2.3系统角色类型 13

3.2.4系统设计意义 14

第四章 系统详细设计 15

4.1系统结构分析 15

4.2系统功能模块的说明 16

4.2.1系统总功能模块 16

4.2.2系统管理模块 16

4.2.3采购信息管理模块 17

4.2.4库存信息管理模块 18

4.2.5销售信息管理模块 18

4.2.6查询统计模块 19

4.3数据库设计 20

4.3.1概念模型设计 20

4.3.2数据库逻辑模型 20

4.3.3数据库表结构 21

第五章 总结与展望 25

5.1总结 25

5.2展望 25

参考文献 26

致谢 28

第一章 绪论


人类社会经过几次工业革命的洗礼,尤其当IT技术慢慢渗透到人类生活之中,促进了人类社会从工业社会转入到了现代化社会,具体表现在信息经济、知识经济的诞生,从而使企业的信息化提上了日程。进入21世纪,各国经济为了寻求新的增长点,信息技术革命孕育而生并迅猛发展。单个企业的作战模式越发吃力,寻求合作、信息共享成为当下主流。因此,为了让更多信息第一时间能够为企业所用,且合理高效的使用,供应链管理成了当下企业最想攻克的难题 [1]

实质上,供应链管理是对资源的收集及合理利用的过程。它的管理成果是通过供应链里企业之间的高效配合体现出来的。供应链管理不仅能使企业合理分配手上资源、迅速响应市场导向,而且能及时洞察潜在风险并制定相应的应急措施,从而生产出有明显优势的产品,从而扩大了自己的收益,吸引了更多的客户 [2]

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