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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 信息与计算科学 > 正文


 2022-06-14 21:28:40  


摘 要


本系统的开发以j2EE作为开发基础,使用struts2 spring hibernate等多种框架的组合,用eclipse作为开发工具,以Oracle作为数据库,以Macromedia公司的Dreamweaver作为界面美化工具,使用JAVA语言开发,页面采取JSP动态页面开发技术。该系统界面简单、操作方便,容易维护。


关键词:电信AAA 认证 授权 计费

Online charging based on Java system


Online charging based on Java system is a based on B/S development mode of a AAA management site. Ordinary user authorization granted by the administrator, they have fill management, account management, service management, bill management, report, personal information, modify password and other functions. Administrator has role management, grant authorization and other functions.

The content of graduation design is to design and implement a web based goods trading platform, so the system is mainly to j2EE as a development base, the main use of struts2 spring hibernate and other frame used in combination, using eclipse as a development tool, using Oracle as the database, with Macromedia's Dreamweaver as the interface landscaping tools, the use of Java language development page JSP, adopt dynamic page technology. This system interface is simple, convenient operation, easy maintenance.

This article from the system development background, the development purpose and the significance, the feasibility of all aspects of this system is analyzed. Thus points out the necessity of the system development. Laid a solid foundation for the development of the system then. And then explains the system's overall design, understand the overall structure of this system and involve technology, finally, on the basis of the overall design has made a detailed explanation of the specific design of the system, the readers can fully understand the design of this system.

Keywords: charging, Authentication, Authorization, Accounting


摘 要 I


第一章 绪论 1

1.1课题开发背景 1

1.2课题开发目的以及意义 1

1.3本文的主要工作 2

第二章 系统需求分析 3

2.1 主要性能要求 3

2.2 系统需求分析 3

2.2.1 功能需求 4

2.2.2功能需求的具体描述 4

2.3 系统可行性分析 6

2.4 系统开发环境及技术 7

第三章 系统设计 13

3.1 系统架构设计 13

3.1.1 系统模块设计 13

3.1.2 三层架构设计 15

3.2 类设计 15

3.3 数据库的设计 18

3.3.1数据库表设计 18

第四章 系统详细设计 22

4.1网站界面的实现 22

4.1.1登录界面 22

4.1.2用户登录主界面 25

4.1.3角色管理界面 28

4.1.4管理员界面 29

4.1.5资费管理界面 31

4.1.6账务账号管理界面 32

4.1.7业务账号管理界面 34

4.1.8账单管理界面 37

4.1.9报表管理界面 38

4.1.10个人信息管理界面 39

4.1.11修改密码界面 39

4.2框架配置配置与实现 40

4.2.1数据库连接的建立 40

4.2.2 数据库配置文件 41

4.2.3 Spring配置文件 41

结束语 45

参考文献 46

致 谢 47

  1. 绪论







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