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 2022-06-14 21:28:25  


摘 要


关键字移动警务通系统 移动办公 客户端 信息查询

ZTE intelligent terminal mobile police system


With the rapid development of wireless mobile communications and various types of fast-growing mobile services, all businesses on the Internet and mobile communication systems applied.With the type of client devices, more and more personalized service people have become increasingly demanding, personalized information services into the future development of Network Information Service is an important direction. Police pass the identity authentication protocol and systems, network security pass in the mobile police occupy a very important position, research and analysis related to identity authentication protocol, designed to secure authentication protocols and systems, is to ensure the safety of police communications pass the necessary conditions, has a very important practical significance. Based on the customer's specific needs, based on J2EE is designed and implemented a mobile police-pass system. The system’s overall structure, design and implementation of server-side functions and system to achieve such a detailed introduction. First, according to Mobile police pass the system’s security requirements, comparison of existing solutions, systems technology development using J2EE client, using the MVC pattern design to the client. The use of J2EE technology, mobile phone network features to achieve between the client and server communication, using Servlet technologies on the server from the client the information sent to the corresponding processing, transmission of data, return the result. Design and implementation of a base I J2ME/J2EE platform and GPRS networks, outdoor efficient, real-time on-site information gathering, transmission and processing of wireless applications-mobile police system. Its goal is not to replace the existing security system, but to further expand and strengthen the public security system, reducing the public security staff to work outdoors, a negative drop-and improve their work efficiency, but also with the existing security systems to seamlessly integrate well. On the police system is a wireless mobile-specific security needs of mobile police designed a new system. He handheld computers, mobile phones and other handheld devices as the carrier, to achieve real-time field data collection and processing; and to rely on the wireless wide-area data communication network of online search and upload, enabling officers to move in the outdoors can also be handling cases, which greatly improved the

efficiency of front-line police officers and power.Of course, there are areas that need improving. We J2EE client MIDlet using the standard components, but because of its versatility, appearance is not very good, but extends MIDlet custom component is also a very time-consuming work. Future system expansion J2EE structure may be used to achieve the interface, thus achieving a greater ability to customize.

Key words: Mobile police communication system mobile office client information inquiry

目 录

摘 要 II


第一章 绪论 1

1.1 引言 1

1.2移动警务通系统概论 2

1.3 移动警务通系统的应用 3

第二章 相关技术介绍 5

2.1 Android 5

2.1.1Android 功能特征 5

2.1.2 Android架构研究 7

2.1.3Android应用的构成和工作机制 8

2.2 JDBC 9

2.2.1用途 9

2.2.2 API 10

2.2.3建立JDBC 10

第三章 移动警务通系统的实现 13

3.1现场处罚功能 13

3.1.1 简述 13

3.1.2实现过程 13

3.2 移动办公功能 20

3.2.1简述 20

3.2.2实现过程 20

结语 28

参考文献 29

致谢 29

第一章 绪论

1.1 引言

随着信息科技的高速发展,特别是网络技术和移动通信技术在全世界的推广,人们获取信息的手段发生了巨大的变化,尤其是那些对实时信息要求强烈、移动性强的行业,移动技术和无线数据技术将为他们的工作带来崭新的体验和前所未有的效率。 公安行业是一个具有工作移动性、突发性、紧急性强的行业,一线部门需要实时和公安数据中心交换信息,对在逃人员、常住人口、暂住人口、重点人口、车辆等信息进行及时、迅速的查询,特别是照片和相关图片的传输应用,能够极大地提高公安人员的办案效率。 目前无论是公安刑警、巡警、交警都已经具备基本的综合管理系统,如以CCIC为核心的”金盾工程”、户籍管理系统、案/事件业务,交管业务、监管业务、旅店业登记、出入境、进口机动车核查、指纹处理、综合应用等综合信息系统。但这些都仅仅限于桌面应用,限制了现有系统的使用效率[3]。 根据”数字警察”的理念,本系统采用先进的移动技术,提出了结合GPRS、CDMA、3G等多种无线网络及多种移动终端的移动警务通系统解决方案,实现公安系统移动互联及相关的业务应用,将现有系统的功能通过移动互联技术扩展到每个警员的掌中,做到随时、随地、任意使用综合信息资源,不仅提高现有系统的使用频率,而且大大提高警员的工作效率,为公安行业提升自己的社会和和经济利益提供有力的技术保障。 针对以上分析,Android是一种基于Linux的自由及开放源代码操作系统,主要使用于移动设备,如智能手机和平板电脑,由Google公司和开放手机联盟领导及开发。


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