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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 信息与计算科学 > 正文


 2022-03-07 22:32:49  


摘 要



关键词:家庭医生 GPS定位系统 安卓系统 百度地图

GPS Location Design of Application of Family Doctor Based on Android Platform


Based on the rapid development of mobile Internet, mobile devices are no longer limited to communication terminals, they are also began to become Internet terminals. Mobile devices have become one of the main sources of information for today's access. This paper combines medical monitoring technology with mobile Internet technology, moves the medical environment monitoring terminal to the smart phone, and provides a more convenient and economical telemedicine monitoring solution. Android platform as a popular smart phone operating platform, not only powerful, but also includes advantages like open and free. Our GPS positioning system which based on the Android family doctor will be a attempt combines the traditional research with the current popular technology.

We use mobile phone as a carrier, contains conventional medicine and health food brochures. According to family needs, we can collect related circumstances and set up medication reminder for the elders. We can use API of GPS which comes from Android platform. Using Baidu map technology can we achieve the real-time location of the surrounding pharmacy displayed on the screen to achieve real-time positioning. Click the pharmacy to display the detailed location information. You can choose to contact the business or choose a travel mode to navigate. We use Android-Studio as the main tool to develop, the data transmission between server and client is normal, the basic functions of the client can also be basically achieved.

Key Words: family doctor, GPS positioning system, Android system, Baidu map


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章绪论 1

1.1研究背景与意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 1

1.3发展趋势 2

1.4设计指标 2

1.5论文结构 3

第二章 Android平台概述 4

2.1 Android简介 4

2.2 Android应用构成 4

2.3 Android平台优势 5

2.4 Android开发环境的搭建 5

第三章 系统开发理论与相关技术 7

3.1 GPS定位的介绍 7

3.2 GPS定位的特点 8

3.3 GPS定位的误差分析 8

3.4 GPS定位的前景 9

3.5电子地图概述 9

3.5.1电子地图构成 9

3.5.2电子地图搜索 9

3.6 Android用户界面构建 10

3.7 Android定位服务类库 11

第四章 系统功能 13

4.1业务描述 13

4.2客户端功能需求分析 13

4.3系统功能模块 13

4.4系统流程图 14

第五章 BaiduMap实现 16

5.1 BaiduMap简介 16

5.2百度地图API Key的获取 16

5.2.1开发版SHA1的获取: 17

5.2.2发布版SHA1的获取: 18

5.2.3包名的获取 18

5.3详细设计 19

5.3.1界面设计 19

5.3.2定位模块设计 20

5.4项目测试效果 24

第六章 总结 27

参考文献 28

致谢 30


1.1 研究背景与意义




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