2022-01-30 21:16:53
摘 要
关键词:Eclipse 网络地图 出行导航 MySQL
Database design and implementation of XWY APP based on baidu map
With the opening of the modern Internet era, users have more and more demands on mobile terminals. Mobile field service is one of them, and the most representative one is network map. It greatly facilitates people's travel and improves people's life. The development of this XWY APP is to provide people with road condition information for their travel navigation and avoid roadblock areas, so as to make travel more convenient and fast. Through the system, people will be able to upload traffic information and view information uploaded by other users, so as to plan safer and faster travel routes.
This system will be written in Eclipse, using MySQL database. The designed database system consists of three database tables recording user, administrator and traffic information. Among them, only the administrator has the right to operate on the table, and the user can only view or modify the part within his own authority.
Database and the construction of the system has been basically completed, realized the database and the background of front end link, and can through some instructions to the database backend front-end data for some basic operation. For example, the registration of users, verification of login information, uploading traffic information into the database, etc.
This paper will elaborate the database of this system in the aspects of database conception design, construction and finally link test.
Key words: Eclipse ;The network map ;Travel navigation ;MySQL
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 引言 1
1.1选题的依据 1
1.2 选题的理论和实践意义 1
1.3 研究现状 1
1.4 研究方法和手段 2
1.5 可行性分析 2
1.5.1经济可行性 2
1.5.2技术可行性 3
1.5.3运行可行性 3
1.5.4法律可行性 3
1.6 系统的功能性需求 3
1.6.1可靠性 3
1.6.2可修改性 4
1.6.3可理解性 4
1.6.4可扩展性 4
1.6.5安全性 4
1.7 系统的非功能需求 4
1.7.1数据一致性 4
1.7.2易用性 4
1.7.3性能 4
1.7.4支持软件 4
第二章 需求分析 5
2.1数据需求分析 5
2.2 功能需求分析 5
2.2.1用户功能需求 5
2.2.2 管理功能需求 6
第三章 相关知识介绍 7
3.1 JSP技术 7
3.2 MVC架构 7
3.3 MySQL数据库 8
3.3.1 MySQL特点 8
3.3.2 与其他数据库的对比 9
3.4.1 数据库设计三范式 9
3.4.2 数据库设计的原则 9
第四章 外部设计 10
4.1 标识符和状态 10
4.2 使用的数据库客户端 11
4.3 使用的程序 11
4.4 设计约定 11
4.5 安全保密设计 11
第五章 结构设计 12
5.1 总体设计 12
5.2 ER图 12
5.2.1本系统实体属性图 12
5.2.2设计全局ER模式 17
5.3 数据库的扩展设计 15
5.3.1数据库的维护 15
5.3.2逻辑结构设计 16
5.3.3物理结构设计 16
第六章 具体实现 19
6.1 登录模块的设计与实现 18
6.2 用户对路障信息模块处理的设计与实现 19
6.3 管理员功能模块的设计 19
结论 23
参考文献 24
附录 25
致谢 30
第一章 引言
- UI 和 UE 设计技术及其在 HTML5 网站开发中的地位的研究外文翻译资料
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