2022-01-21 21:48:47
摘 要
本系统采用Eclipse Oxygen进行开发,使用CentOS 7.0 进行项目的部署,使用Easy-UI进行前端开发,MySql数据库存储信息,部署Redis集群处理缓存,部署Solr集群进行搜索系统开发,部署Nginx服务器作为web服务器,部署FTP服务器存储图片。搭建Maven工程,使用Tomcat 7.0启动项目,从而实现项目的开发。本系统实现的主要功能如下:后台商品的新增,后台新增商品的展示,后台商品规格参数的添加与展示,前台页面的展示,前台商品分类的展示等。
关键词:电子商务 SSM Java 网上商城
Design and Implementation of "the front and background of TaoTao Online Shopping Mall" based on SSM
In recent years, e-commerce has been booming. Online mall, as one of the four elements that e-commerce relies on, connects the transaction platform, platform operator, station operator and payment system, which plays a crucial role in the formation and development of e-commerce.
This topic will be e-commerce and PC equipment combined with each other, mainly studied in the B2C mode, online mall front and background function of the realization, the purpose is to develop a set of ssm-based online mall system, conducive to the realization of e-commerce online transactions.
The system uses the Eclipse Oxygen for development, uses CentOS 7.0 deployment of the project, uses Easy - UI for the front-end development, uses MySql database to store information, deploys Redis cluster to handle caching, deploys Solr cluster for search system development, deploys Nginx server as the web server, deploys FTP server to store photos,builds Maven project, uses Tomcat 7.0 to start the project,so as to realize the development of the project. The main functions of this system are as follows: the addition of background commodities, the display of background newly added commodities, the addition and display of background commodity specifications and parameters, the display of the front page, the display of the front list of commodities and so on.
This paper introduces in detail the design and implementation of "the front and background of TaoTao Online Shopping Mall" based on SSM. This paper expounds the implementation of the system on the aspects of the relevant technology used in the project, demand analysis, detailed design, implementation process and the final implementation effect. Finally, after testing, the expected results are accomplished, including normal operation, perfect function, error-free logic, high security and excellent performance.
Key Words: Electronic Commerce ; SSM ; Java ; Online Shopping Mall
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 课题研究的背景 1
1.2 课题研究的意义 1
1.3课题研究的现状 1
1.4 课题研究的内容 2
1.5 论文结构 2
第二章 系统相关技术简介 4
2.1 项目开发技术 4
2.2 项目开发环境 4
2.3 项目运行环境 5
2.4 JAVA技术介绍 5
2.4.1 JDK简介 5
2.4.2 Eclipse简介 6
2.4.3 Maven简介 6
2.4.4 Tomcat简介 6
2.5 框架技术 6
2.5.1 Spring框架简介 6
2.5.2 SpringMVC 简介 7
2.5.3 Mybatis 简介 7
2.6 服务器相关技术 7
2.6.1 CentOS 简介 7
2.6.2 Redis集群简介 8
2.6.3 Solr集群简介 8
2.6.4 Nginx 简介 9
2.6.5 FTP服务器简介 9
第三章 系统的需求分析与设计 10
3.1 功能需求分析 10
3.1.1 后台管理系统需求分析 10
3.1.2 前台系统需求分析 10
3.2 性能需求分析 11
3.3 系统功能模块设计 11
3.4 系统流程设计 13
第四章 系统的详细设计与实现 14
4.1 开发前期准备 14
4.1.1 Maven工程搭建 14
4.1.2 SSM框架整合 15
4.1.3 数据库设计 16
4.1.4 数据库物理设计 21
4.1.5 Mybatis逆向工程 22
4.2 后台管理系统 24
4.2.1 新增商品 25
4.2.2 商品查询 33
4.2.3 规格参数 35
4.3 前台系统 41
4.3.1 前台系统搭建及首页展示 41
4.3.2 商品分类展示 44
4.4 服务器部署 46
第五章 总结 50
参考文献 51
致谢 53
- 绪论
1.1 课题研究的背景
近年来,以淘宝商城(www.taobao.com)、京东商城(www.jd.com)为首的电商系统成为了时下最为炙手可热的B2C模式的网上商城系统。2009年淘宝商城首推“双十一”购物节, 自2009年以来,“双十一”越来越成为名副其实的购物狂欢节,以天猫为例,2016年,天猫销售额突破千亿,2017年销售额增长到1680亿[1]。从数字上看, 淘宝“双十一”的成交额呈“井喷式”增长, 记录不断被刷新[2]。由此可见,电子商务作为一种新型的商业运营模式,已经成为当今社会人们日常生活发展中不可或缺的一部分。
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