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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 信息与计算科学 > 正文


 2021-12-25 15:44:13  


摘 要





关键词:宠物保险 线上交易 SSM框架 JAVA B/S架构

Integration module and sharing module of pet insurance platform based on SSM framework


The development of the economy has led to a dramatic improvement of people's life quality, and keeping pet becomes very popular in big cities.The pet industry is developing so fast that the pet insurance industry is also growing.

Over the past ten years, the booming of e-commerce makes online trading indispensable of our daily life.There are many online sales platforms of pet insurance on the market.We aim to develop a safe and convenient online pet insurance platform, using online trading to make it easier for people to operate the pet insurance platform just like the current e-commerce.

Based on the B/S architecture, which is, the browser and server architecture,this project is developed by using the MVC model.And it uses SSM framework,which belongs to the MVC framework and contains the presentation layer, controller layer, service layer, and database layer.This thesis elaborates the background and the design goal of the pet insurance platform,and mainly introduces the development of integral module and sharing module which includes not only the implementation of integral and sharing functions but also the design of power allocation management, as well as the integration of the web-side and server-side of the administrator part.The integral section mainly achieved the increasing or decreasing of integrals resulting from purchasing insurance or requesting a refund or administrators' operation .Sharing section allows sharing pet insurance products to others and gaining integrals.Power assignment management implements adding or modifying powers for administrators.

The integration module and sharing module demonstrates many advantages,such as,sharing insurances to other people benefits the promotion of pet insurance products,The display of integral provides intuitively shows the various activities that generate integrals.

Key Words:Pet insurance; Online trading; SSM Framework; JAVA; B/S Architecture


第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 设计目标 1

1.3 本文结构 2

第二章 系统开发环境与技术介绍 3

2.1 开发环境 3

2.1.1 IDEA介绍 3

2.1.2 Tomcat介绍 3

2.2 开发技术 4

2.2.1 Java与Web技术 4

2.2.2 MVC模式 4

2.2.3 SSM框架 4

2.2.4 Ajax介绍 5

2.2.5 maven介绍 5

2.3 开发语言 5

第三章 系统总体分析 6

3.1 需求分析 6

3.1.1 数据库分析与设计 6

3.1.2 积分模块主要需求功能介绍 9

3.1.3 分销模块主要需求功能介绍 10

3.1.4 权限分配管理主要需求功能介绍 10

3.2 功能分析 11

3.2.1积分部分 11

3.2.2分销部分 11

3.2.3权限分配管理员部分 11

3.2.4前端页面与前后端连接部分 11

3.3 技术难点与问题 12

3.3.1 Spring Service 层调用多个Dao层或者相关的其他Service层是否合理? 12

3.3.2 Spring Service层循环引用时出现的问题? 12

3.3.3使用Layui 进行前端页面设计的注意点 13

第四章 系统详细设计 14

4.1 系统总体架构设计 14

4.2 系统功能模块设计 15

4.2.1 Service层方法 15

4.2.2 积分部分主要功能详细介绍 15

4.2.3 分销部分功能详细介绍 19

4.2.4 权限部分功能详情介绍 20

4.2.5 Controller层接口 21

4.2.6 后台管理页面设计 23

第五章 系统实现与测试 25

5.1 对积分和分销的方法进行测试 25

5.2 对权限方法进行测试 28

5.3 管理员页面的实现 29

第六章 总结与展望 37

致谢 38

参考文献 39

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究背景

随着人们收入水平的提高、生育率的下降,养宠物自然而然的成为了人们满足某种精神需求的一种方式[1] 。许多家庭都拥有自己的宠物。宠物是人们的好陪伴、好朋友,提高了人民的幸福感。对于宠物主人来说,宠物相当于家庭的一分子。2010年底,每五家财富500强企业中就有一家提供VPI宠物保险作为员工职员福利[2]。宠物行业也成为了人们生活中的重要组成部分。



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