2021-06-07 22:51:06
摘 要
In order to extract signature curve more complete information, improve the certification of the time, a new method of feature extraction and distance measure is put forward, the space curve calculation and characteristics of the curvature and torsion in period of similarity measure. Curvature and torsion is one of the invariant features of the curve, curvature is a point on the curve tangent relative arc of rotation rate,it is the degree of curvature of curve. Torsion is a point on the curve of the normal direction of the relative arc of rotation rate, it is the characterization of the degree of reverse curve, it is not affected by curve of translation and scaling transformation, and it has better robustness. Total curvature calculation in discriminant curve similar to have pretty good effect.we can applied the extract the curve of the relevant data feature information to the signature certification.
This article through to the signature data preprocessing, using the ideas of dimension reduction, the space of the three-dimensional signature curve into plane curve, And calculate the curvature and the torsion value, and then through the calculation of total curvature to extract the curve characteristic peaks of characteristics curve can be divided into several sections, curvature and torsion of the feature points, a two-dimensional feature characteristics through the measurement of the distance of matching. Composed of curvature and torsion is directly in this paper investigates the characteristic curve, and the reference signature curve and test signature curve curvature and torsion of the corresponding feature points between 2 norm, it is not subject to translation and scaling and so on many transformation curve and the effect of comparing with the experiment calculation before setting threshold identifying the signature. And the signature certification and other related method based on curve similarity judgment involves pattern recognition, computer vision, artificial intelligence, computer vision, image analysis and processing, cognitive science research, for the computer intelligent science related methods, such as the effectiveness of provides research material, has important academic value and practical significance.
Keywords: the signature;curves similar;the curvature;torsion
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1研究的背景和意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 3
1.3所面临的问题 4
1.4评定指标 4
第二章 曲线相似性的相似性函数定义法 7
2.1曲线相似性的判定 7
2.2几种距离的测度 8
2.2.1点集间的距离的测度Hausdroff距离 8
2.2.2曲线间的Frechet距离 10
2.3基于新的方法的曲线相似性的判定 10
2.3.1曲率的定义与公式 10
2.3.2挠率的定义与公式 11
2.3.3新的曲线相似定义 11
第三章 数据的采集和预处理 13
3.1数据的采集 13
3.2数据的预处理 15
3.2.1去除虚假抬笔过程 15
3.2.2去除噪声过程 15
3.3签名样本库的建立 15
3.3.1真实签名数据库 15
3.3.2伪造签名数据库 16
第四章 模型和算法设计 19
4.1模型 19
4.2算法设计 20
第五章 实验结果与分析 27
5.1实验结果 27
5.2结果分析 27
第六章 总结与展望 29
致 谢 31
参考文献 33
第一章 绪 论
到目前为止,许多离散点之间的相似性的判别大部分是用Hausdorff距离来衡量的。除此之外,连续的曲线之间相似性的判别则更多的是用(连续)Fr’eehet距离来衡量。其中提到的Fr’echet距离是Alt和Godau两位学者[2]提出的,之后,Alt和Godau[3],Alt,Knauer和Wnauer[4],Mosig和Clausen[5][6][7] 这几个人都把Fr'eehet距离开始慢慢运用到曲线相似性的判别中去。除此之外,Eiter和Malmila两人[8][9]开始提炼出关于离散类型的Fr'echet距离的相关的一些定义。不过由于一部分问题并没有得到全面的解决,因此这项技术并没有得到全面的应用。我们这篇文章,根据三维数据中提取出降维之后的曲线上面存在的峰值部位,之后再在曲率和挠率的相关基础上,我们提出一种新的判别方式,基本上是用来可以离散点构成的曲线之间的相似性。这种新的方法并不需要对曲线进行相关的平移或者是伸缩方面的变换,过程更加简便,快捷,实用。
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