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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 信息与计算科学 > 正文


 2021-05-13 23:12:39  

摘 要







The defocused image restoration is one of the hotspots in the field of image restoration. Defocus blur phenomenon is by imaging imaging system focus caused by inaccurate. It is commonly found in medical diagnosis, space exploration, satellite remote sensing images, space and road transportation and other major research areas. Defocused image in daily life is also seen everywhere. With the development of science and technology, the focus function of imaging system is more and more mature, but it costs more. Therefore, the research of image restoration has important theoretical value and application value.

This paper focuses on the theory and technology of the defocus blurred image restoration, on which the method is combined with theoretical analysis, algorithm design and empirical analysis. The main research and the innovations on this paper are as follows:

The estimation of out-of-focus PSF of the hexagonal aperture. Aiming at the regular-polygon aperture imaging system, this paper present a method of computing the out-of-focus PSF of the hexagonal aperture. First of all, Set up a coordinate system to establish the model of regular hexagon aperture defocused PSF. Next, compute the unknown parameter in the model. In this part we use the theory of Fourier transform, zero-point distribution theorem, optimization function and etc. Finally, the out-of-focus PSF of the hexagonal aperture, which is necessary for the image restoration algorithm, is obtained.

The restoration method based on out-of-focus PSF of the hexagonal aperture. Combining the out-of-focus PSF of the hexagonal aperture and the Wiener filtering, we present an efficient method of defocused image restoration on which apply the theory of Inverse problem. Then, the degraded images of the same image with different degrees of divergence are recovered. After the recovering, the similarity degree of the restored image and the focus image is close to 1. Finally, the algorithm is applied to the iris image restoration. The feature information of iris has been effectively restored, which approve the effectiveness of the restoration method based on out-of-focus PSF of the hexagonal aperture.

Keywords: Out-of-Focus; Image Restoration; Point Spread Function; Hexagonal Aperture


摘要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 图像恢复研究的目的与意义 1

1.2 图像恢复的研究现状 1

1.3 图像退化与恢复模型 3

1.4 论文主要内容 5

第2章 散焦图像的模糊机理分析与一般恢复方法的研究 7

2.1 散焦图像模糊机理分析 7

2.2 传统的散焦模糊图像恢复方法 8

2.3 图像恢复的一般算法 11

第3章 正六边形散焦PSF模型研究 19

3.1 不同光圈的散焦原理分析 19

3.2 正多边形散焦PSF模型 21

3.3 正六边形散焦PSF参数估计 22

3.4 散焦图像的恢复 27

3.5 基于正六边形散焦PSF模型的散焦虹膜图像恢复 32

第4章 总结与展望 37

4.1 论文的主要工作总结及创新点 37

4.2 研究展望 37

参考文献 39

致谢 41

第1章 绪论

1.1 图像恢复研究的目的与意义



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