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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 能源与动力工程 > 正文


 2020-04-09 15:33:43  

摘 要









This time, my design paper has calculated and selected the main propulsion unit of the 4,000-ton tanker. The main engine room equipment (types of pumps, compressors, etc.) and ship piping (fuel, lubricating oil, cooling water, etc.) were analyzed and selected in more detail. Since the bunkering vessel is a new type of ship and there are few data, it is hoped that this article can provide some help for the design and selection of the power plant of the bunkering vessel.

The power required by the ship is mainly provided by the ship's main propulsion unit, which is one of the most important components of the ship. Choosing a main engine with appropriate size, weight, price and fuel consumption can minimize the operating cost of the ship. The power of the main propulsion unit is determined by the resistance of the ship when it is sailing on the water or in the water. There are several main methods for calculating the resistance of a ship. The drag coefficient method is based on the given ship data (the ship’s main scale, speed, Tonnage and Endurance) to estimate the total resistance to the ship. First use this method to calculate the effective power of the ship.

Since the resistance-to-wave resistance of the ship is not taken into account in using the drag coefficient method, resulting in a large difference between the calculated power and the actual required power, I have also used the Alpha method to calculate the effective power of the ship. The Alpha method is suitable for medium and low speed ships and the conclusion reached is closer to the real situation. Using the Alpha method requires knowing the ship's actual block coefficient, ship's main scale and speed, and other vessel data, in order to calculate the number of Fu's numbers. According to the Fu's number table, the standard correction factor and block coefficient can be obtained, and then block coefficient correction, B/T correction and length correction are calculated and the required power of the ship can be calculated and used as the standard for selecting the power of the main engine.

After I calculated the effective power of the ship, I calculated the necessary data based on the block coefficient of the parent ship, and then performed a preliminary matching and termination matching design on the main propulsion device to be used as the principle of main engine selection.

After I determined the model of the main engine and propeller, the equipment in engine room (fuel system, oil system, cooling water system, compressed air system, bilge water system, ballast water system, water fire protection system, engine room CO2 system, engine room ventilation system, and living water system were calculated one by one, and the required equipment (deposition cabinets, daily-use cabinets, transport pumps, air bottles, air compressors, etc.) were selected based on the accounting data . Then I used the data of the selected main engine and auxiliary engines and emergency generators as the basis and criteria for piping design. Finally, I used CAD to draw the drawings of the 4,000-ton bunkering vessel.

Conclusion: Under the guidance of the teacher, the selection and design of the power plant of the 4000-ton bunkering vessel and the analysis and selection of the cabin equipment were completed.

Key Words: Bunkering vessel; Main propulsion unit; Equipment in engine room; Piping calculation


第1章 绪论 1

1.1 船型 1

1.2 船舶主要尺度 1

1.3 航速 1

1.4 燃油种类 1

第2章 主机选型论证 2

2.1 船舶有效功率计算 2

2.1.1 使用阻力系数法计算船舶有效功率 2

2.1.2 使用爱尔法计算船舶有效功率 5

2.2 机桨匹配计算 9

2.2.1 初步匹配计算 9

2.2.2 主机选型 12

2.2.3 终结匹配设计 13

2.3 功率计算结论 14

第3章 机舱设备计算选型 15

3.0 主机、辅机以及应急发电机组 15

3.0.1 主机(2台) 15

3.0.2 柴油发电机组(2组) 15

3.0.3 应急柴油发电机组 16

3.1 燃油系统 18

3.1.1 主机耗油量 18

3.1.2 辅机耗油量 18

3.1.3 燃油消耗量 19

3.1.4 油舱容积 19

3.1.5 日用油柜容积 19

3.1.6 油渣柜容积 20

3.1.7 污油柜容积 20

3.1.8 主机燃油供给泵相关计算 20

3.1.9 辅机燃油供给泵 21

3.1.10 燃油输送泵的相关计算 21

3.1.11燃油分油机排量 22

3.2 滑油系统 23

3.2.1 滑油分油机 23

3.2.2 主机滑油相关计算 23

3.2.3 辅机滑油相关计算 23

3.2.4 主机滑油循环泵 24

3.2.5 主机滑油循环舱 25

3.2.6滑油储存舱的容积 25

3.2.7 滑油沉淀舱 26

3.2.8 滑油污油柜 26

3.2.9 油渣柜 26

3.2.10 滑油输送泵 26

3.3 冷却水系统 27

3.3.1 主机膨胀水箱相关计算 27

3.3.2 冷却水泵 27

3.4 压缩空气系统 29

3.4.1 启动空气瓶的相关计算 29

3.4.2 空压机 30

3.4.3 杂用空气瓶 31

3.4.4 汽笛空气瓶 31

3.4.5 日用空气瓶 31

3.5 舱底水系统 31

3.5.1 舱底水泵的相关计算 31

3.5.2机舱处舱底水支管 33

3.5.3 舱底油水分离器 33

3.6 压载水系统 34

3.6.1 压载水泵 34

3.7 水消防系统 35

3.7.1 消防泵选型 35

3.7.2 应急消防泵 36

3.7.3 消防总管管径 36

3.7.4 CO2灭火系统 36

3.8 生活水系统 38

3.8.1 淡水压力柜容积 38

3.8.2 生活水泵排量计算 39

3.8.3 海水压力柜 41

3.8.4 压力柜供水泵排量及压头计算 42

3.8.5 生活污水处理装置 44

3.9 机舱通风系统 44

3.9.1 机舱通风机的排量 44

3.9.2 机舱通风机的压头 46

3.9.3 机舱送风机的选型 46

3.10 本章小结 47

第4章 轮机说明书 48

4.1 概述 48

4.2 主机 48

4.3 辅机 49

4.3.1 柴油机发电机组 49

4.3.2 应急柴油机发电机组 50

4.4 辅助设备 51

4.4.1泵 51

4.4.2 空气压缩机 55

4.4.3 离心分离机 56

4.4.4 机舱风机 57

4.4.5 空气瓶及压力水柜 57

4.4.6 环保设备 58

4.4.7 其他设备 58

4.4.8 机修设备 59

4.5 系统及机舱布置 60

4.5.1 海水冷却系统 60

4.5.2 淡水冷却系统 60

4.5.3 燃油系统 60

4.5.4 滑油系统 61

4.5.5 主机空气压缩系统 61

4.5.6 排气系统 62

4.5.7 机舱通风系统 62

4.5.8 舱底泵及管系 62

4.5.9 压载水系统 62

4.5.10 淡水系统 62

4.5.11 卫生水系统 62

4.5.12 污水系统 63

4.5.13 机舱舱底水处理系统 63

4.5.14 舱底水系统 63

4.5.15 压载水系统 63

4.5.16 消防系统 63

4.6 本章小结 63

第5章 轮机设备明细表 64

第6章 结束语 67

参考文献 68

致谢 69

第1章 绪论

1.1 船型


1.2 船舶主要尺度

总 长:89.90m


型 宽:15.00m

型 深:7.60m





1.3 航速


1.4 燃油种类


第2章 主机选型论证









2.1 船舶有效功率计算


2.1.1 使用阻力系数法计算船舶有效功率

首先使用阻力系数法计算船舶的总阻力,根据必要参考资料《船舶原理(上)》[2]中P180有关阻力的部分,可以得出,首先需要计算雷洛数,,其中Lwl为水线长(m),v是船速(m/s),μ是水的运动粘性系数,如无特殊说明,对于实船取标准水温t=15℃时之值, m2/s。











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