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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 能源与动力工程 > 正文


 2022-01-24 15:32:07  


摘 要



计算机仿真技术在近些年来大量地应用于工程实践中,可以对工程建设提前仿真与模拟出最佳的工作方案,可替代大量的人力和物力。屋顶并网光伏电站的发电性能受多种因素影响,比如温度、辐照度、经纬度等,因此需要对其进行多种因素动态分析。本文利用Solar PV软件,以40kWp屋顶并网光伏电站为例,对其进行设计与仿真。首先以在南京地区作为安装地点进行设计计算,计算出其最佳倾角为28°,同时确定安装方案,设定好相关参数,并进行产能分析和经济性分析,得出了相关数据与结论。在此基础上,还需要对光伏电站进行优化,比较不同条件下组件性能、系统发电量和系统成本等,因此需要改变相关参数,例如改变温度和辐照度,对组件性能进行分析;改变倾角、方位角等角度,选用的组件型号,安装的地区条件等,对系统年发电量进行分析等。经过对比分析,得出组件的最佳工作温度,系统的最佳倾角,最佳方位角,选用的最合适组件,最佳安装地区等结论。


关键词:太阳能 屋顶并网光伏电站 仿真

Design and Simulation 40kWp rooftop grid-connected

photovoltaic power station


With the development of society and the advancement of science and technology, human beings are increasingly demanding energy. The current energy utilization method is mainly thermal power generation technology, so it consumes a large amount of fossil fuels represented by coal. As we all know, fossil fuels are limited as non-renewable energy sources and cannot be mined indefinitely. Moreover, the use of fossil fuels creates a large amount of environmental pollution and health problems. Therefore, the development of renewable energy and clean energy is extremely important, the most representative of which is solar energy. As a renewable energy source, solar energy can be used indefinitely, and it is also a clean energy source with no pollution to the environment, so it has two advantages of renewable and clean. Solar power generation technology is the development direction of energy utilization, and it can also actively respond to sustainable calling and policies such as national energy conservation and emission reduction. The solar industry has developed rapidly in the world in these decades, and more and more solar photovoltaic power plants have been built in various countries. At the same time, the related technologies represented by solar photovoltaic cells are rapidly researched, which makes the cost of solar photovoltaic systems lower and makes it have better development prospects.

China has a vast territory and abundant light resources. At the same time, China is a big energy-utilizing country. However, solar photovoltaic power generation has not been particularly well utilized in China, resulting in a large amount of waste of solar energy resources. Therefore, the rational use of solar energy resources is extremely crucial. At present, the widely used solar power generation technology is mainly two types of grid-connected photovoltaic power generation technology and off-grid photovoltaic power generation technology, among which grid-connected photovoltaic power generation technology is the main development direction. China has a large construction area and a large number of building roofs, so the rooftop grid-connected photovoltaic power generation technology is a very promising project in the city. Rooftop grid-connected photovoltaic power generation combines grid-connected photovoltaic power generation with buildings, builds photovoltaic power plants on the roof, and reduces the additional land by building roofs, reducing the cost of land and mitigating urban voltage. Its principle is that it is used for a small amount of self-use, and more is online, which has both high economic benefits and good environmental benefits.

Computer simulation technology has been widely used in engineering practice in recent years. It can simulate and simulate the best work plan for engineering construction in advance, which can replace a lot of manpower and material resources. The power generation performance of rooftop grid-connected photovoltaic power plants is affected by many factors, such as temperature, irradiance, latitude and longitude, etc., so it is necessary to carry out dynamic analysis of various factors. This paper uses Solar PV software to design and simulate a 40kWp rooftop grid-connected photovoltaic power station. Firstly, the design calculation was carried out in Nanjing area as the installation location, and the optimal inclination angle was calculated as 28°. At the same time, the installation plan was determined, the relevant parameters were set, and the productivity analysis and economic analysis were carried out. The relevant data and conclusions were obtained. On this basis, it is also necessary to optimize the photovoltaic power plant, compare the performance of components, system power generation and system cost under different conditions, so it is necessary to change relevant parameters, such as changing temperature and irradiance, analyzing the performance of components; changing the inclination The azimuth angle, the selected component model, the installation regional conditions, etc., to analyze the annual power generation of the system. After comparative analysis, the conclusions are drawn that the optimal operating temperature of the component, the optimal tilt angle of the system, the best azimuth angle, the most suitable components selected, and the best installation area. The relevant conclusions of this paper verify that the 40kWp rooftop grid-connected photovoltaic power station has good economic and environmental benefits, so it has good prospects and puts forward its prospects.

Key Words:Solar energy;Rooftop grid-connected photovoltaic power station;Simulation

目 录

摘要 Ⅰ

Abstract Ⅲ

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 课题背景 1

1.2 光伏发电简介 1

1.2.1 光伏发电原理 1

1.2.2 光伏发电优势与不足 2

1.3 光伏发电系统简介 2

1.3.1 光伏发电系统分类 2

1.3.2 并网光伏发电系统 3

1.3.3 屋顶并网光伏电站 3

1.4 光伏发电技术应用 4

1.5 仿真 5

1.6 结语 6

第二章 南京地区设计计算 7

2.1 南京地区气象数据 7

2.2 太阳能电池光伏组件选择 7

2.3 最佳倾角模型计算 10

2.4 逆变器选型 13

2.5 光伏组件在温度极限时的电压 14

2.6 光伏组件的串并联方式 14

2.7 光伏组件的排列方式 15

2.8 汇流箱及线缆选择 16

第三章 南京地区产能和经济性分析 17

3.1 产能分析 17

3.1.1 辐照量接收情况 17

3.1.2 发电量情况 20

3.1.3 系统损失与发电效率 22

3.2 经济性分析 24

3.2.1 成本分析 24

3.2.2 财务收益分析 26

3.2.3 环保性能分析 27

3.2.4 可行性分析 28

第四章 多变量对比分析 29

4.1 组件性能分析 29

4.1.1 温度影响分析 29

4.1.2 辐照度影响分析 30


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