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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 能源与动力工程 > 正文


 2022-01-09 20:24:56  


摘 要






关键词: 水蒸汽 CFD UDF Fortran

Study on Calculation Method of Thermal Physical Parameters of Water and Steam


The thermophysical parameters of water and steam are widely used in daily research now. The quality of its values ​​largely determines the authenticity, effectiveness, and accuracy of the design and research. Because the thermal properties of water and water vapor often change significantly under different working conditions, and design researchers are more often using table look-up method and interpolation method to calculate the physical property parameters, and then manually Entering it into a computer or a table for the next work greatly increases the workload and difficulty of the staff, and also increases the risk of incorrect input of values, resulting in undesired results. This subject hopes to combine the highly developed computer programming system to realize the calculation of water and water vapor thermal properties parameters by computer program, and then apply it to the environment of simulation and classroom teaching.

This article will first analyze the IFC-67 formula and give the descriptive mathematical formulas of its applicable temperature, pressure range and its six sub-regions, thus proving that it is reasonable to use the IFC-67 formula as the basis for program development . Then by comparing the other calculation methods of the water and steam, the advantages of using a computer for the development of modern programming programs are clarified.

Due to the advanced and advanced nature of the Fortran language in the field of mathematical calculations, this article selects the Fortran high-level programming language as the basis for the development of calculation programs for the thermal properties of water vapor. The program can achieve the functions of inputting two parameters such as pressure and temperature to obtain the entropy, enthalpy and specific volume under its working conditions within the applicable range of the IFC-67 formula. The algorithm logic will be made for block diagram,and they will be shown in this article. After the program was developed, in order to verify its effectiveness, two cases of nozzle adiabatic flow were designed and calculated under its programming environment. The thermodynamic calculation’s results were verified that the program were correct. Therefore, this program proved to be highly accurate , Can be used in subsequent calculations and designs.

In order to better associate this program with actual research and design, this article focuses on the combination of CFD simulation and simulation software Fluent. Through the adaptation of the nozzle adiabatic flow case verification II, a 3D tapered nozzle was designed in Gambit software, and 70,400 regular hexahedral element grids were divided, and the boundary conditions were set and brought into Fluent for simulation. In Fluent, this paper designed four calculation conditions for simulation and compared the results of the calculation data to draw the following main conclusions: when water vapor flows under high temperature and high pressure, it will viscously rub against the wall surface, forming a layer of gradually thickening speed Boundary layer, the gradually thickening of the boundary layer results in a smaller flow area of ​​the actual gas in the actual flow field, higher energy loss, and a lower velocity. However, when the water vapor is used as an ideal gas for the simulation, the narrow velocity loss of the boundary layer is low, and the velocity import and export results are higher than the true values. It is inferred from the continuity equation that the ideal gas density import and export results will also be lower than the actual gas.

Therefore, when the steam is fluiding thought the high temperature and high pressure area, the working fluid is regarded as an ideal gas. When the ideal gas equation is called for simulation, the result will be distorted. Using the UDF function written in the Fortran program developed in this paper It can link the functional relationships of pressure, temperature and density, and also takes into account the accuracy of physical property parameters when simulating water vapor as an actual gas, and further proves the calculation program is more accurate and effective.

Key words: steam CFD UDF Fortran


摘要 I

Abstract III

目录 V

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1课题研究背景及意义 1

1.2国内外发展及研究现状 1

1.2.1国外发展及研究现状 1

1.2.2国内发展及研究现状 2

1.3总结 6

第二章 程序编写基础与数学模型 7

2.1理论基础 7

2.1.1公式适用范围 7

2.1.2公式分区 7

2.2IFC公式各子区域计算公式 8

2.2.1子区域1的计算公式 8

2.2.2子区域2的计算公式 10

2.2.3子区域间边界线方程 12

2.2.4子区域6的计算公式 13

2.3本章小结 13

第三章 水蒸气热力学参数程序开发及验证 15

3.1程序设计基础 15

3.1.1水和水蒸气计算方法比较 15

3.3.2Fortran语言简介 15

3.2程序各计算功能设计框图 15

3.2.1子程序及其功能说明 15

3.2.2子程序PH的计算公式及其框图 17

3.2.3子程序PS的计算公式及其框图 20

3.2.4子程序HS的计算公式及其框图 23

3.3计算实例验证 27

3.3.1喷管绝热流动案例验证一 27

3.3.2喷管绝热流动案例验证二 27

3.4本章小结 28

第四章 CFD理论基础及UDF介绍 29

4.1引言 29

4.2CFD的计算步骤 30

4.3CFD模拟仿真软件Fluent在喷管流动中的应用 30


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