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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 能源与动力工程 > 正文


 2022-01-09 18:55:21  


摘 要

空调历史悠久,波斯人在公元前一千年就发明了一种古老的空气调节系统,而最早的现代空调可追溯至1902年Willis Carrie发明的用于调节车间温度和湿度的电力空气调节系统。现代空调已被应用至各种场所,而制冷量也随着人们的需求越来越大,从前的挂式空调和柜式空调已无法完全满足大型空间的空气调节需求,于是出现了多联式中央空调。多联式空调最初由日本的大金公司发明,由于多联机便于调节容量和可靠等优点,已被广泛应用至办公楼、图书馆和大户型房屋中。



关键词:多联式空调 大容量 热力计算 结构计算

The design of 10 HP Multi-connected Air Conditioning Unit


Air conditioning has a long history. The Persians invented an ancient air conditioning system in 1000 BC. The earliest modern air conditioning system can be traced back to the electric air conditioning system invented by Willis car in 1902 to regulate the temperature and humidity of the workshop. Modern air conditioning has been applied to various places, and the cooling capacity is also increasing with the demand of people. The former hanging air conditioning and cabinet air conditioning can not fully meet the air conditioning demand of large space, so there is a multi connected central air conditioning. Multi connected air conditioning was originally invented by Daikin company in Japan. It has been widely used in office buildings, libraries and large-scale houses because of its advantages such as easy to adjust capacity and reliability.

Compared with other air conditioners, although the initial cost of the multi line is high, its advantages such as long service life, low unit failure rate, high efficiency and energy saving can greatly save the later maintenance costs. Multi online is very suitable to integrate the current smart home technology, Internet control technology, AI algorithm and big data and other popular technologies to change the operation strategy by learning user habits. For user's comfort, the noise of multi line operation is low, and the accuracy of temperature control is high. Because each indoor unit is controled independently, users can highly customize its operation strategy. The research of domestic predecessors on the multi connected air conditioning has been more in-depth, such as the energy consumption, operation stability, performance domain, design problems applied in the building, optimization of control capacity method, and even the normative research of its title. Foreign predecessors have simulated the air intake and exhaust of the multi connected air conditioner in order to optimize the air intake and exhaust; some have conducted in-depth Optimization Research on the refrigerant flow distribution of indoor units; others have tried to apply VRF to milk preservation; and some have done in-depth research on the comparison between VRF and other air conditioners, such as AHU system.

With the improvement of the quality of life of the people in China, the demand for culture and entertainment of the people is also increasing dramatically, such as large-scale comprehensive shopping center, IMAX cinema, one-stop Municipal Center, indoor constant temperature swimming pool and international airport and other facilities with large space also pose a greater challenge to the design of multi connected air conditioning.In this paper, the design of 10 hp multi connected central air conditioning unit with large capacity is carried out. Firstly, the history of the research on the multi online is introduced, then the research progress at home and abroad is introduced, and the advantages and disadvantages of the multi online and its future research trend are summarized. The core content of this paper is to carry out the thermal calculation, heat exchanger structure calculation, heat transfer coefficient check calculation and flow resistance check calculation for each component, and then use CAD software to draw the structure drawings of indoor unit, outdoor unit, pipeline and other components, in which the layout of the fin heat exchanger and the system layout schematic diagram are drawn in detail. In addition, according to the given nominal cooling capacity and other parameters, the compressor is selected by select6 software, and the fan is selected by referring to the relevant fan data according to the air flow of evaporator and condenser.

Key words: Multi connected air conditioner;High-capacity;Thermal calculation;Structural calculation

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract III

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 选题背景及意义 1

1.2 多联式空调的原理 1

1.2.1 多联式空调概述 1

1.2.2 多联式空调的变容量调节技术 1

1.3 多联式空调的特点 2

1.3.1 费用低 2

1.3.2 控制/调节方式多样 2

1.3.3 可单独计算电费 2

1.3.4 安装简便、占用空间小 2

1.3.5 能量损耗小 2

1.3.6 其他优点 3

1.4 多联式空调的国内研究历程 3

1.5 多联式空调的国外研究 4

1.6 多联式空调的其他方面研究 5

1.6.1 故障检测技术 5

1.6.2 多联式空调的称谓 5

1.7 多联式空调存在的问题与不足 5

1.7.1 配管长度过长 5

1.7.2 计费系统的不足 6

1.8 冬季除霜 6

1.9 多联式空调未来发展的趋势 6

1.9.1 多联机系统的最佳匹配与优化智能控制技术 6

1.9.2 全空气空调系统与VRF空调系统组合设计 6

第二章 10HP 多联式空调的设计 7

2.1 系统设计 7

2.2 制冷循环热力参数计算 7

2.2.1 循环参数及压焓图 7

2.2.2 热力计算 8

2.2.3 压缩机的选型 9

2.3 蒸发器的设计计算 9

2.3.1 蒸发器的设计参数 9

2.3.3 蒸发器的结构参数 11

2.3.4 4.5kW蒸发器的计算 12

2.3.5 7.1kW蒸发器的计算 16

2.4 冷凝器的计算 21

2.4.1 10HP负荷的计算 21


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