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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 能源与动力工程 > 正文


 2022-01-07 21:28:49  


摘 要


该冷却器旨在为电厂脱硫后烟气升温同时为原烟气降温,为符合环保要求降低局部酸雨现象,特别加入的一类设备,同时该类设备属于换热设备,因此在设计制造过程中遵循 GB151-2014 和 GB150-2011 等标准中对材料、法兰等技术要求,遵循钢制化工容器设计基础、材料选用等标准中的规定,对壳体、换热管、附件等做详细的设计计算并校核。


Design of WGGH Cooler for Flue Gas Desulfurization of 30MW Units


Wet desulfurization and wet smoke in power plants are prone to acid rain around the power plant because of the high moisture absorption humidity. Dust is contained before desulfurization, the probability of occurrence of acid rain around the power plant is reduced when discharged by heating the wet smoke with high-temperature raw smoke, it can save energy, reduce desulfurization capital investment, increase the discharge temperature, it is possible to guarantee environmental protection safety in the surrounding. Smoke coolers are specially introduced to solve this phenomenon.The smoke-free cooler is an important facility in various industrial production scan such as electric power, chemical industry, pharmaceuticals, and energy. Coolers generally cool down the temperature of high-temperature materials. The temperature rise and fall and the change of fluid state in these processes are all realized by coolers. The structure of coolers is relatively fixed. At the same time, finned tube coolers are often selected considering the manufacturing cost and applicability in chemical industry. The coolers are stable in performance, suitable in cost and widely used.

This cooler is intended to cool down the raw smoke at the same time as the temperature rise of the exhaust fumes after desulfurization of the power plant. In order to meet the requirements of environmental protection and reduce the local acid rain phenomenon, a special type of equipment is added. At the same time, this type of equipment belongs to heat exchange equipment.Therefore, materials according to standards such as GB151-2014 and GB150-2011 in the design and manufacturing process, technical requirements such as flanges, the design basis of the steel chemical industry container, by complying with standards such as material selection, case, heat exchange tube, it performs detailed design calculation and verification, such as accessories.

Key words: flue gas cooler;heat exchange;desulfurization acid rain


第一章 绪 论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2 翅片管换热器构成和运行原理 2

第二章 研究内容及研究方法 3

2.1 研究内容 3

2.2 研究方法 3

第三章 工艺设计 4

3.1原始参数 4

3.2计算理论烟气量 5

3.3 计算实际烟气量 6

3.4 原烟气物性参数计算 6

3.4.1 原烟气成分摩尔分数计算 7

3.4.2 原烟气流量计算 7

3.4.3 原烟气成分质量分数计算 7

3.4.4 原烟气比热容计算 8

3.4.5 原烟气动力粘度计算 8

3.4.6 原烟气导热系数计算 9

3.4.7 原烟气普朗特数计算 10

3.5 冷却后原烟气物性参数计算 10

3.5.1 湿烟气成分摩尔分数计算 10

3.5.2 湿烟气流量计算 11

3.5.3 湿烟气成分质量分数计算 11

3.5.4 湿烟气比热容计算 12

3.5.5 湿烟气动力粘度计算 12

3.5.6 湿烟气导热系数计算 13

3.5.7 湿烟气普朗特数计算 14

3.6 烟气物性参数汇总 14

3.7 翅片管排布方式 14

第四章 总 结 23

参考文献 24

第一章 绪 论



随着我国经济快速发展,煤炭、石油等化石燃料消耗持续增长,雾霾天气频繁出现,酸雨面积不断扩大[2]。针对二氧化硫排放对环境生态的压力徒增的现状,武春锦[2]等人研究讨论了石灰石—石膏法、钠碱法、氨法、磷矿浆法等湿法烟气脱硫技术的优缺点,重点阐述新型磷矿浆脱硫法及其脱硫原理,比较了不同湿法脱硫技术的特点和应用范围,进行了磷矿浆与钠法、石灰石—石膏法与镁法湿法烟气脱硫技术经济性分析。对于烟气脱硫过程中的工艺改造问题,为使某焦化企业的焦炉烟气污染物排放数值符合GB 16171—2012中特别排放值要求,李洪兵[5]在烟气外排前新建一套“选择性催化还原(SCR)脱硝+氨法脱硫”系统。在利用该系统对烟气进行脱硫脱硝后,系统运行数据表明,烟气中二氧化硫、二氧化氮及颗粒物排放达标,二氧化硫、二氧化氮减排率可达百分之九十以上[5]


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