2021-12-04 19:27:19
摘 要
首先,根据公交车的使用因素及成本选取永磁同步电机为驱动电机,之后根据三种功率要求确定电机的最大功率,并随之匹配计算出电机的转速、转矩数值,确定了两个额定功率为60kw的驱动电机。然后选取锂离子电池为本车动力电池,根据续航里程的需求匹配计算,确定了使用一组600V 332Ah的动力电池组。轮边电机固定减速器减速比为14。完成了整车动力系统的匹配。之后我们在CRUISE软件中建立了整车动力系统模型,在软件中设置车辆部件参数以及各项性能的仿真任务,对车辆的加速性能、续航里程、爬坡性能进行分析验证。
最后,我们对仿真结果进行综合分析,仿真结果显示本车最高车速可达86 km/h,0-50km/h加速时间为9.86 s,能以25km/h的速度爬上12%坡度的坡,能以26.8km/h的速度巡航267 km,满足本文的设计要求。
Energy conservation and environmental protection are the main themes in today's world. Low-carbon travel is a way to realize energy conservation and environmental protection. The most familiar city buses play an indispensable role in low-carbon travel. In line with the needs of the use of buses, the wheel side motor has the advantages of simple structure, easy to flat bus chassis design, good operation stability and high efficiency, which is the future development direction of pure electric buses.
In this paper, a type of pure electric bus is studied. By analyzing its driving condition on the road, 4x2 wheel-side driving structure is adopted in order to improve the reasonable space layout of the vehicle and the requirements of dynamic performance and economy. After that, we designed the power system according to the requirements of the vehicle's power performance, and determined the parameters of key components such as driving motor and power battery. The specific process is as follows:
First, the permanent magnet synchronous motor was selected as the driving motor according to the use factor and cost of the bus, and then the maximum power of the motor was determined according to the three power requirements, and then the motor speed and torque were calculated accordingly, and two drive motors with rated power of 80kw were determined. Then, the lithium ion battery was selected as the power battery of the vehicle, and a 600V 332Ah power battery was determined based on the matching calculation of the range. The speed reduction ratio of wheel - side motor fixed reducer is 14. The parameter matching of the vehicle power system is completed. Later, we built the vehicle power system model in CRUISE software, set the vehicle component parameters and performance simulation tasks in the software, and analyzed and verified the vehicle's acceleration performance, endurance range and climbing performance.
Finally, we made a comprehensive analysis of the simulation results. The simulation results showed that the maximum speed of the vehicle could reach 86 km/h, and the 0-50km acceleration time was 9.86 s. The vehicle could climb a slope of 12% at 25km/h and cruise at a speed of 26.8km/h at 267 km, which met the design requirements of this paper.
Keywords: pure electric bus, wheel side motor, parameter matching, CRUISE
摘要 I
Abstract III
第1章 引言 1
1.1论文的目的及意义 1
1.1.1论文的目的 1
1.1.2论文的意义 3
1.2国内外研究现状 4
1.3研究内容与研究方法 5
第2章 4x2轮边电机纯电动公交车动力系统的选取 6
2.1三种纯电动公交车驱动方案 6
2.2动力系统方案的比较与选择 8
第3章 动力系统参数匹配 9
3.1车辆基本参数 9
3.2驱动电机与减速器的选型与参数匹配 10
3.2.1 驱动电机的选型 10
3.2.2 驱动电机的功率匹配 11
3.2.3 固定速比减速器减速比的确定 14
3.2.4驱动电机的转速、转矩匹配 14
3.3 动力电池的选型与参数确定 15
3.3.1动力电池的选型 15
3.3.2动力电池的参数匹配 17
3.4 本章小结 18
第4章 4x2轮边电机驱动纯电动公交车整车建模 19
4.1 选择建模软件 19
4.2搭建整车模型 19
4.2.1搭建整车基本模型 19
4.2.2整车部件的信号连接 20
4.3 整车模型各模块参数设置 20
4.3.1整车模块参数设置 21
4.3.2动力电池参数设置 21
4.3.3电机相关参数设置 22
4.4 仿真结果分析 24
4.4.1 加速性能分析 24
4.4.2爬坡性能分析 25
4.4.3续航里程性能分析 25
4.5 本章小结 27
第5章 总结与展望 28
5.1 全文总结 28
5.2 展望 28
参考文献 30
致谢 31
第1章 引言
随着能源危机的加剧,以及城市大气污染日益严重,新能源汽车逐渐成为主角,已经成为今后的发展方向[1][2] 。我国部分城市经常出现连日的雾霾等严重的污染现象。如图1-1所示

图1-1 北京市雾霾天气

图1-2 5年纯电动、插电混动销量、增速变化

图1-3 大金龙纯电动公交车整装待发

图1-4 纯电动汽车工作原理